Funding to Support Travel for Faculty and Staff who are Presenting at Regional and National Professional Conferences

This article outlines potential funding sources to support faculty and staff who are presenting at professional conferences.

Division of Extension Resources

There are limited professional development funds set aside for both faculty and academic staff educators to travel to and present at conferences and in support of publication page charges. There are also other funding sources such as Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) and professional associations that provide funds. Often travel expenses to present at a conference can be built into internal or external grants such as the Division of Extension’s Innovation Grant and Collaboration Grant programs, USDA grants, etc.

  • On an annual basis the Division of Extension will create a pool of funds that will be available to supplement travel expenses for Extension faculty and staff who are presenting a paper at a regional or national conference.
  • Faculty and staff can apply for funds to support publication page charges and funding for travel to present papers at regional and national conferences. Each academic associate dean will manage an annual budget to support these requests and develop a review process for allocating the funds.
  • Approvals:
    • Out of state travel requests using base funds requires associate dean approval and will be approved via the professional development funds workflow.
    • Out of state travel using non-base funds does not require associate dean approval. Employees should work with their direct supervisor and any local/unofficial approval process. 
    • International travel requires approval from the respective associate dean and dean.

UW-Madison Resources

There are institutional funds available for faculty and academic staff to travel.

Epsilon Sigma Phi 
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Nathaniel S. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook