Final Exams - Understanding and Finding Information
Curricular representatives do not have access to edit any final exam data in SIS. Submit all requests for changes via the Final Exam Request Form (opens in new tab).
Understanding Final Exam Information
Finding Final Exam Information
Understanding Final Exam Information
Final exams are assigned to Range 1 sections (sections numbered 001-299) in SIS based on final exam flag settings and final exam codes.
Final Exam Flags
Each class section has one of three final exam flag values: Yes, Course Group, or No.
Yes (Y)
Class sections with this flag will be assigned a final exam based on the section's day/time meeting pattern. This helps minimize student and instructor conflicts during finals week.
Example: Final exams for all M/W/F 8:50-9:40 sections where Final Exam = Y will be scheduled for the same date/time.
Course Group (G)
All sections of courses with this flag will be assigned a common final exam date/time that is not based on meeting pattern. As such, group exams increase the likelihood of student conflicts, and instructors are expected to accommodate alternate exam times for students who let them know of a conflict. Classroom assignments for group exams can be made based on total course enrollment (regardless of instructor) or grouped by the instructor for each section (see Note below).
Example: Course X is a group exam course where Final Exam = G on all sections. Instructor A teaches 100 students in LEC 001 and 100 students in LEC 002, and Instructor B teaches 100 students in LEC 003. A common exam date/time will be assigned to all three sections and Curricular Services will assign exam space for all 300 students. Instructors A and B collaborate to create a common final exam that will be administered to all students at the same time. Final exam classroom assignments can be made either for all 300 students as a group or split by Instructor A's 200 students and Instructor B's 100 students.
Note: Instructor-based classroom assignments rely on the Course Administrator field on the Basic Data tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes. This is necessary to enable final exam classroom assignments for classes that have multiple instructors. In rare cases where the Course Administrator field does not reflect the appropriate instructor for final exam classroom assignments (e.g., the course administrator is the supervisory instructor of TAs who serve as principal instructors), departments should request that group exam room assignments be made for the course as a whole rather than by instructor.
No (N)
Class sections with this flag will not be assigned a final exam. This is appropriate when the instructor is not giving a synchronous final exam and does not need a final exam date/time to serve as the due date for a take-home exam, online asynchronous exam, final paper or project, or other summary evaluation of student learning.
Final Exam Codes and Blocks
Each class section with with a Yes (Y) or Course Group (G) final exam flag is assigned a final exam date/time based on its exam code value.
These codes are attached to class sections with a Yes (Y) final exam flag and correspond to exam blocks for final exam assignments made based on section meeting pattern.
These codes are attached to class sections with a Course Group (G) final exam flag and correspond to exam blocks for group/common final exam assignments.
Final Exam Schedule
Final exam dates for the regular A1 session are determined by the academic calendar as set by the Faculty Senate. The Curricular Services team in the Office of the Registrar is responsible for maintaining final exam data in SIS, assigning final exams, and building the final exam schedule each fall and spring term. These schedules are posted in the Curricular Build and Planning Documents Box folder.
Modular Session and Summer Term Final Exams
There are no set final exam dates for fall and spring modular session classes or for any summer term classes. Similar to summer session final exams, for fall and spring classes in any non-A1 session, final exams, projects, papers, or any other cumulative assessments must take place within the session in which the class is scheduled or be due by the last day of that session. It is expected that most instructors will give a final exam at the last class meeting. However, any time needed outside of regularly scheduled class meetings must adhere to the approved blocks outlined in the evening exam policy.
Finding Final Exam Information
There are several places you can look to find final exam information and identify whether a class has a final exam assignment.
Student Information System (SIS)
Final Exam Assignments & Rooms Query
Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > Resources tab > Queries section
This query only includes class sections with a final exam assignment. Classes that do not appear in the query results do not have a final exam assignment. Final exam room assignments also display here after they have been made.
PDF Schedule of Classes Report
Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > Resources tab > Query Report Viewer
This report only includes final exam date and time information. Final exam flag and room assignment details do not appear here. Keep in mind that this report is meant to reflect the classes that appear in Course Search & Enroll and thus does not list class sections set to not display (i.e., sections where the Schedule Print box is unchecked on the Basic Data tab of Maintain Schedule of Classes).
Maintain Schedule of Classes
Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > Maintain Schedule of Classes > Exam tab
This page displays final exam flags and final exam date and time information. Final exam room assignments also display here after they have been made.
Note: The final exam flag does not display here for sections that use the 9999 class association number. Final exam flags for all sections, including those using 9999, can be found on the Adjust Class Associations page.
See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Maintain Schedule of Classes: Exam Tab.
Adjust Class Associations
Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter > Adjust Class Associations > Class Components tab
This page displays final exam flag information. Final exam date and time information and room assignments do not display here. Because final exams are only assigned to Range 1 sections (sections numbered 001-299), the final exam flag on Range 2 and 3 components is always No.
Course Search and Enroll (CS&E)
Final exam date and time information is listed in the section details. Final exam room assignments also display here after they have been made.
For Students and Instructors
MyUW Course Schedule
In addition to CS&E, students can view final exam date, time, and room assignment information in the MyUW Course Schedule app. See: Viewing Your Exam Schedule.
Faculty Center
Instructors can view final exam date, time, and room assignment information in the My Exam Schedule section of their Faculty Center. See: Faculty Center - Viewing Your Exam Schedule.
Additional Resources
Final Exams
- Final Exam Request Form (opens in new tab)
- Final Exams - Overview
- Final Exam FAQs for Instructors
- Fall and Spring Final Exam Schedules
- Summer Term Exams
- Faculty Legislation II-105: Summary Period for Academic Semester
Questions about final exams can be directed to Brittany Elandt (, the final exams lead in Curricular Services. Questions about grades and grading policy can be directed to the Student Records and Enrollment team at