How to Make Jump Links

A document for how to make jump links

Jump links are features that add accessibility to the KB's expanding and collapsing panels. Below is an example:

Below are a list of links that will jump to the corresponding content when clicked on:

What is the average speed of a swallow?

This is a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The speed varies based on the type of swallow.


What is the meaning of life?

This is a reference to Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. In the book, a computer works for centuries to answer this question. In the end, it decides the answer is "42". 


Screen readers can access this content much more clearly than the panels by themselves. To make jump links, follow the below steps:

    1. Open the KB document to edit.
    2. Create the expanding and collapsing panel by clicking on the "Insert/edit collapsible panel" icon which looks like: +/-. You may have to click on the "More" icon in your editor to see the expanding and collapsing icon. The "More" icon looks like three dots or an ellipsis.
    3. In the second field, enter your panel title, then click "Insert".
    4. Once you have created your expanding and collapsing panel, you must add your anchor. Click on the beginning of the panel title. Then, in your text editor, click on "Insert", then "Anchor". Click on "insert" in the top left, then "anchor" to add an anchor.
    5. A popup will appear. Add a unique anchor ID. You can only use one ID per page for the anchor to successfully work.
    6. Once you have created your anchor, create your text above that you will link to. Your jump links should be a bulleted list. You can add a bulleted list to your document by clicking on the "Bullet list" icon in your editor. Screen readers need a bulleted list in order to read all the jump links together. Otherwise, the screen reader does not know that there is a list of jump links, and it sees it as individual random links with no organization.

    7. Highlight one of your jump link texts, and click on the "Insert/edit link" in your editor. It has an icon in the shape of a chain.

    8. In the field labeled "Anchors", select the anchor ID you entered that you would like to link to. Then, hit "Save". Select the anchor ID from the drop down menu then save.

    9. Repeat this process for each jump link.

    10. Save your changes to your KB document, and publish it. The preview mode may not correctly display how the jump links work, so test each of your jump links on the KB site to make sure they are functioning correctly and linking to the correct panels.

If you have any questions about these steps, please contact Audra at .

Keywordsaccessibility, access, screen, reader,   Doc ID124298
OwnerAudra K.GroupCHDR
Created2023-02-23 12:14:57Updated2023-12-01 10:19:46
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