Pre-College/Minor Unpaid Appointment Process

This process is specifically for the individualized experiences of minors in SMPH labs and offices. This process is managed by the SMPH Human Resources Operations Coordinators (HR Ops).


This process is specifically for the individualized experiences of minors in SMPH labs and offices. If you have an organized group activity (fieldtrip, science camp, etc.), contact the Office of Youth Protection for more details on how to coordinate. This process is managed by the SMPH Human Resources Operations Coordinators (HR Ops).

Faculty and Department Staff may request an educational experience for a minor in their laboratory or office. To acknowledge and account for minors in these spaces, SMPH HR Ops work with Faculty and Department Staff to meet requirements and execute the appropriate appointment type.

Requests should be received no less than 30 days from the projected start date to allow for completion of all required tasks for the faculty, staff, and minor. Remote experiences are acceptable.

The two appointment types are:

  • Pre-College Intern: used when the minor has responsibilities or observing in the lab or office and is not receiving credit from UW-Madison.
  • Pre-College Student for Credit POI: used when the minor has responsibilities in the lab or office and is receiving credit from UW-Madison.

Credit is defined as UW-Madison credit and therefore the minor is considered as an undergraduate student participating in the lab. If enrolled in Integrated Sciences 299 and considered a special student by the university, the Student for Credit POI will work for tracking purposes.

Participants in programs such as the Summer Research Internship (SRI) Program or the Early College Access Program, or another similar program approved by the Office of Youth Protection, will not need an appointment for tracking. Their office will manage the requirements of faculty and staff involved with the experience. No special access or appointments should be needed. If special access is required, proceed with the Student for Credit POI with a working title of 'Pre-College Student for Credit'.

Patient Contact Responsibilities: Minors are not prohibited from direct contact with patients or human research subjects under UW Policy and Wisconsin State Law. Employee Health Services (EHS) and the Office of Youth Protection (OYP) strongly recommend that a minor employee not have contact with patients that have an infectious disease that is transmissible through proximity or casual contact. EHS and OYP state, "contact with healthy research subjects drawn from the general population or patients with non-infectious/non-transmissible conditions (e.g. cancer, asthma, diabetes) are not a concern."

UW Health Access: Individuals must be 18 years of age or older to obtain access to UW Health systems. If the person is 17 years or younger, UW Health will not allow system access. 

Questions regarding unique situations or to review UW-Madison policies, contact the Office of Youth Protective Services or visit Youth Protection - UW-Madison Policy Library and Minors in Research Laboratories - UW-Madison Policy Library.


Pre-College Intern Process

Step 1:  Prepare Request for Minor in Pre-College Intern Appointment    

Requests for unpaid Pre-College Intern appointment must be sent to the department's HR Operations Coordinator. The HR Ops Coordinator will respond by asking the following informational questions, request a copy of the minor's CV, and provide the Precollege/Youth Program Emergency Plan PDF and Best Practices for In-Person Programming for Youth documents to review.

  • Name:    
  • Age (16/17 is preferred):
  • Email and Phone:
  • Parent or Guardian Name:
  • Parent or Guardian Email and Phone:
  • Is the minor working for UW-Madison credit?
  • If for UW-Madison credit, what is the minor's program?
  • What are the responsibilities for this appointment or are they observing in the lab?
  • What are the learning outcomes associated with the experience?
  • What are the dates of this appointment? (It should be no longer than 1 semester)
  • Will the minor have contact with any patients or research subjects?
  • Will the minor require UW Health Access for duties? (Minor must be 18 or older)
  • Who is the Authorized Custodian for each minor?
    • Authorized Custodian Definition: Employee responsible for operating/managing logistics of a Youth Activity and ensuring compliance; can be counted in supervision ratio (when present during the activity and engaging in supervision).
  • Who is the Authorized Assistant Custodian for each minor?
    • Authorized Assistant Custodian Definition: Employee or volunteer authorized to supervise youth in a Youth Activity providing custodial care of minors; counted in the supervision ratio.
  • Will there be any additional Authorized Adults working with this minor?
    • Authorized Adults Definition: Authorized to interact with minors under supervision of an Authorized Assistant Custodial or Authorized Custodian; not counted in the supervision ratio.

Step 2:  Department Approval     

HR Ops reviews the information regarding employee's personal information, duties, work location, CV, and identified Authorized employees. 

Once satisfied, HR Ops will submit information to department leadership or designee for approval. HR Ops must receive department approval in writing before moving forward.

Step 3: Authorized Employees Notified of Required Compliance

HR Ops sends each Authorized Custodian, Authorized Assistant Custodian, and Authorized Adult their youth protection requirements based on their role. The Office of Youth Protection website provides all the current Staff Trainings for each authorized individual.

Table of Background Check and Training Requirements
Types of Authorized Individuals Caregiver Check Required Required Training and Tasks
Authorized Custodian Yes
  • Office of Youth Protection: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Responsible Employee (RE)
  • Campus Security Authority (CSA)
  • Sign and Return Pre-College Intern Agreement
Authorized Assistant Custodian Yes
  • Office of Youth Protection: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Sexual Misconduct and Clery Crimes in Youth Activities: Reporting and Prevention
Authorized Adult Yes
  • Office of Youth Protection: Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse and Neglect

 Step 4: Authorized Employees Complete Compliance    

All Authorized Employees must complete all required tasks before HR Ops can process the Pre-College Intern appointment.

Once all items are verified as complete, HR Ops will move forward with communicating to the minor about pre-onboarding tasks, which will include the Pre-College Intern Agreement for signature (if applicable), the Volunteer Fact Sheet, and the General Release of Liability form.

 Step 5: Minor Completes Appointment and Onboarding Tasks   

HR Ops receives the signed Pre-College Intern Agreement and completed General Release of Liability form and reviews all documents for satisfaction.

The appointment will be entered into the Human Resources System (HRS) once satisfied. The minor may not start in the lab until all onboarding tasks are complete.

 Step 6: End of Experience - Optional Renewal or Extension   

The Pre-College Intern appointment is eligible to extend if the purpose is appropriate.

By virtue of the appointment, it should not be extended in place of paid work and only for educational purposes.

Pre-College Student for Credit POI Process

 Step 1: Prepare Pre-College Student for Credit Appointment Request   

Requests for unpaid Pre-College Student for Credit appointment must be sent to the department's HR Operations Coordinator. The HR Ops Coordinator will respond by asking the following informational questions, request a copy of the minor's CV, and provide the Precollege/Youth Program Emergency Plan PDF and Best Practices for In-Person Programming for Youth documents to review.

  • Name:    
  • Age (16/17 is preferred):
  • Email and Phone:
  • Parent or Guardian Name:
  • Parent or Guardian Email and Phone:
  • Is the minor working for UW-Madison credit?
  • If for UW-Madison credit, what is the minor's program?
  • What are the responsibilities for this appointment or are they observing in the lab?
  • What are the learning outcomes associated with the experience?
  • What are the dates of this appointment? (It should be no longer than 1 semester)
  • Will the minor have contact with any patients or research subjects?
  • Will the minor require UW Health Access for duties? (Minor must be 18 or older)
  • Who is the Authorized Custodian for each minor?
    • Authorized Custodian Definition: Employee responsible for operating/managing logistics of a Youth Activity and ensuring compliance; can be counted in supervision ratio (when present during the activity and engaging in supervision).
  • Who is the Authorized Assistant Custodian for each minor?
    • Authorized Assistant Custodian Definition: Employee or volunteer authorized to supervise youth in a Youth Activity providing custodial care of minors; counted in the supervision ratio.
  • Will there be any additional Authorized Adults working with this minor?
    • Authorized Adults Definition: Authorized to interact with minors under supervision of an Authorized Assistant Custodial or Authorized Custodian; not counted in the supervision ratio.HR Ops receives the request for an unpaid Pre-College Intern appointment for a minor from the department leadership, faculty, or staff member. (This varies by department).

 Step 2: Department Approval   

HR Ops reviews the answers from the Youth Protection Email template for completion, employee role identification, and minors CV.

Once satisfied, HR Ops will submit information to department leadership or designee for approval. HR Ops must receive department approval in writing before moving forward.

  Step 3: HR Ops Contacts Pre-College Student for Credit for Pre-Onboarding   

HR Ops sends the minor the pre-onboarding requirements for the Pre-College Student for Credit appointment.  

If the Pre-College Student for Credit has contact with patients or research subjects, appropriate required tasks will be added to the email and must be completed prior to start.

If the Pre-College Student for Credit (must be 18 years or older) requires UW Health Access, appropriate required tasks will be added to the email and must be completed prior to start.


 Step 4: End of Experience Optional Renewal   

The Pre-College Student for Credit appointment is eligible for extension if the minor is completing independent study and enrolled. Minors involved in programs with finite end dates (such as the Summer Research Internship), must end and be considered for a different appointment to continue. This may be as a Pre-College Intern or a paid appointment.


minor, youth safety, minors in labs, volunteer, pre-college intern, student for credit, POI, person of interest, zero dollar, $0 
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Owned by:
Kate Y. in SMPH Human Resources
SMPH Human Resources