WI-RI-013 - Account Reactivations - Single Access Request Form
- Instructions for processing and managing account reactivations for various Systems on the Single Access Request form.
- Application Administrators or designees for each respective system are responsible for processing account reactivations from the Single Access Request form.
- UW Clinical Research study team members are responsible for completing and submitting the access request form for themselves or their team members.
Account Reactivation
- System users may request their account be reactivated by submitting a JIRA ticket or a direct email to system administrators.
- Confirm the user has an account within the intended system.
- If there is no account in the system, the user should be instructed to complete an Account Request (https://redcap.ictr.wisc.edu/surveys/?s=DWJFCLFHYL8PKJRT)
- No further action is needed for this ticket, so it can be closed out in JIRA.
- If there is an account listed, confirm it is suspended and then proceed to the next steps.
- If there is no account in the system, the user should be instructed to complete an Account Request (https://redcap.ictr.wisc.edu/surveys/?s=DWJFCLFHYL8PKJRT)
- Open the ADMIN - Single Account Requests project in REDCap (PID 6381).
- Select the "Add / Edit Records" link and search for the individual by last name.
- If you need to search by another option, like first name, NetID, email, etc., update the 'Select Search Field'.
- Press 'Enter' to search by the value you entered.
- Select the correct record you wish to update by selecting the 'Open' button.
- In the Account Request form, make sure the Contact Email listed matches the users current email address. If it does not match, update this email fields. This will ensure the reactivation emails are going to the users current email address.
- To update these fields, you must first select 'Edit Response' at the top of the page.
- Save any changes made.
- In the Account Request form, review the HIPAA information. If the course listed is not current, for users with a NetID, use the instructions to Trigger Automated HIPAA Lookup.
- Verify the Net ID is provided.
- In the "Trigger Automated HIPAA Lookup?", select "Yes - trigger HIPAA lookup upon form save".
- Delete the existing HIPAA Date of Completion from that HIPAA Information field.
- Save the form to trigger the HIPAA lookup.
- Complete the Account Reactivations form
- Select which system(s) account needs reactivation
- Review the information being pulled (piped) from the Account Request form. This information will be used in the Reactivation Request field below.
- REDCap Only: Also confirm that the REDCap training says 'Complete'.
- Reactivation Request field:
- If either HIPAA (or REDCap) training is needed, select "Reactivation Requested - Training Needed".
- Select the training(s) needed in the "Training needed before reactivation" field.
- If neither are needed, select "Account Reactivated".
- If either HIPAA (or REDCap) training is needed, select "Reactivation Requested - Training Needed".
- Enter Date User Requested Reactivation
- Enter the JIRA ticket number (if applicable) so that any emails triggered by this form will link to the JIRA ticket.
- Date Account Reactivation:
- If all training(s) are completed, enter a date for this field and save the form.
- If waiting on training(s) to be completed, leave this field blank for now. (See next steps below)
- If waiting for a user to complete HIPAA (and/or REDCap) training:
- HIPAA: Users are instructed to complete the "HIPAA Training Response" form once they have completed training.
- External Collaborators or UW Health staff are instructed to upload a certificate of completion. This must include their name, course name and a completion or expiration date.
- The UW-Madison external collaborator's training MAY not include a date, so just use the date they uploaded the document.
- UW-Madison staff (with NetIDs) will need their HIPAA training confirmed in the VCRGE Lookup Tool.
- External Collaborators or UW Health staff are instructed to upload a certificate of completion. This must include their name, course name and a completion or expiration date.
- REDCap Training: Confirm training by looking for a green dot with white check for the "REDCap User Training" form. The users are instructed to email the REDCap admins once training is complete, but many times they forget to.
- If training has not been completed after a few days, it's best to reach out directly to the user with instructions to complete training using your own email.
- HIPAA: Users are instructed to complete the "HIPAA Training Response" form once they have completed training.
Document History
Reviewed Date | Change Reason | Approver |
03/07/2023 | New |
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