KB User's Guide - Documents Tab - Blogging

Blogging functionality allows document users and readers to post comments to individual KnowledgeBase (KB) documents. Please note that blogging works *only on* internal sites/documents.

Key points

  • Blogging can be turned on at the document level.
  • Blogging is disabled at the document level by default.
  • Blogging is available only on Internal sites.

How to enable blogging for a document

  1. In the KB Admin Tools, open the document to edit it.

  2. Scroll down to the very bottom of the document edit screen and expand the Additional fields section.

  3. Make sure your internal site is selected under the Site access section. It is fine to also select your external site, but be aware that the blog tool will not appear there.

  4. Under Other options, check the Blog checkbox.

  5. Submit your document with the Active status (or Request activation if you do not have publish rights in your space). Once the document is published, the blog tool will appear to end users on your internal site.

How the blog appears on your live internal site

Find the document you enabled the blog for on your internal site, then scroll to the bottom of the document. If blogging is enabled for this document, a Discussion text box will be displayed. Your internal users can enter plain text into this text box, and they can use the Post button to add this text as a comment below.

Blog style comments at the bottom of a KB blog document highlighting the post button below the Discussion text box, as well as delete and edit buttons that appear at the end of posted comments.

Buttons Available when Leaving a Comment on a Document


The Post button submits any text you enter in the Discussion text box at the bottom of any document with blogging enabled. Posts are displayed in reverse chronological order, with most recent posts displayed at the top of the section.

Any URLs included in a post will be converted to HTML links. All other HTML is ignored.


The Edit button will appear to the original poster of a comment and allows them to modify their post text.


The Delete button will appear to original poster as well as any admins with publish rights. Please note that the Delete button will hide the post from view, but it will not delete the post from the database. If you need a post to be completely deleted, please contact the KB team.


All internal users will see a Reply button next to each post, which allows them to create a reply to a specific post. The text of the original post will be appended below a dashed line.

Reply to a comment showing the original comment below the dashed line

blog comment discussion respond delete blogs 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Leah S. in KB User's Guide
KB Demo, KB Demo - Child Demo KB, KB User's Guide