Terminated Employee Access Removal (TEAR) - Overview of the Access Removal Process

TEAR (Terminated Employee Access Removal) is an application designed to decrease the amount of time necessary for removal of access to various systems when an employee leaves the University.

Step 1 - Email sent to HR representatives every week

Every week, a scheduled process will run. An email notification will be sent to HR representatives containing a list of employees for whom there have been no active appointments for more than a week or who haven't been paid in more than six weeks.

One week later, a follow-up email will be sent to the HR representative if no action was taken following the first email. If no action has been taken a week after the second notice is sent, Security Authorizations will receive notification and the authorizations will be removed.

HR Manager / Director, The following employee(s) have ended their appointment with the university:

Step 2 - Review authorizations and request access removal

The HR representative will then be presented with a list of authorizations for the user in question along with the appointments listed for the employee in question. The HR rep will verify the information is accurate and then click Remove Authorizations/Logon ID to begin the removal process.

Remove employee authorizations

Step 3 - Receive confirmation that the access removal request was submitted

You should then receive confirmation that access removal request was submitted, as shown below. Once this is done, you can repeat for other former employees that might have been included in the TEAR email.

Success - your approval has been logged for this authorization removal

Step 4 - DoIT Security removes access

Once the HR representative has requested that access be removed, DoIT Security will then remove access to the relevant systems within 72 hours.

tear terminated employee access removal authorization authorized authorizing viewing reviewing looking up tool list of authorizations hr exiting 
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