Creating Users and Providers in PnC

This article goes through the steps to create User and Provider accounts in PnC

New User Creation

  1. If possible, clone an existing user or template. Templates have a ZZ prefix
    • Open the desired user/template and select the "clone" button
    • Some, but not all, fields will copy over
  2. Name (non-copied)
    • First, Last, and middle initial if available
  3. User Initials (non-copied)
    • This will need to be unique, add numbering at the end if needed (ex. SS1)
  4. Username (non-copied)
    • This is the user's NetID. Typically this is in the HelpDesk Ticket, but can be confirmed using this tool
  5. SSO Identifier (non-copied)
    • This will be the @wisc for the user. Ensure this is accurate, otherwise the user will not be able to access PnC via Single Sign On
  6. Title (non-copied)
    • This should be in the HelpDesk ticket, if unsure, you can reach out to HR or the new employees manager to confirm
  7. User Roles (copied)
    • The user role(s) determines a person's access within the system, a user can have more than one role
  8. User Permissions (copied)
    • For any permissions the user needs that are not included on the role(s), add them here
  9. Facilities (copied)
    • In most cases, this will just be University Health Services. In the case of Physical Therapists, they will also need Rec Well
  10. Security Divisions (copied)
    • This setting determines what information a user has access to see. If they don't have access to the security division, they cannot view content from that security division
    • Ensure the user has access only to the areas they will be working in/with
  11. License Allocation (copied)
    • Certain PnC features require a license which we purchase. The most common will be the ability to add Zoom links to appointments

Provider Creation

General Tab

  1. If possible, clone an existing provider or provider template. Templates have a ZZ prefix
    • Open the desired provider/template and select the "clone" button
    • Some, but not all, fields will copy over
  2. Name
    • First, Last, and middle initial if available
    • For Medical Residents, add this at the end of the last name (ex "Sagers Medical Resident")
  3. Suffix
    • Put any credentials in this field
  4. Abbreviation
    • This is similar to the User Initials on the User record, good practice is to have them match (ex. SS1)
  5. FTE Percentage
    • This is a required field, but is not relevant to how we use the system
  6. Primary Security Division
    • Default will be Medical Services, unless there is a more specific option where the provider will spend a majority of their time
  7. User
    • Link to the existing User account
  8. Provider Type
    • This will copy over if cloning. If not, select the most applicable
      • Note: In Edit Provider, it only shows the abbreviations for provider type. It can be helpful to know which you plan to choose before creating the provider record
  9. State License #
    • If this provider will be prescribing (see Rx Tab section below), fill this out. Sometimes it will be in the HelpDesk ticket, you can also try looking it up here
  10. Note Signature Type
    • For Students/Residents, use "Under Supervision - Trainee owns notes". Also specify who their supervisor is, this should be in the HelpDesk ticket. If not, reach out to who created the ticket
    • For credentialed clinicians, they will be Supervisors
    • Signature Text will be what appears when they sign notes. Leaving blank will use a auto generated signature, otherwise follow the format of First, Last, Credentials

Address Tab

  1. Use the ECM address
    • 333 East Campus Mall, Madison, WI, 53715
  2. Add the providers email

Profile Tab

  1. This will copy over, ensure the correct checks are selected, looking closely at
    • Secure messaging options
    • Ability to order referrals, labs, radiology
    • Ability to be scheduled online

Rx Tab

  1. Default to Neither an Agent nor a Prescriber
  2. If they will be prescribing (this should be indicated in the HelpDesk ticket), select Authorized to Prescribe
    • Get their DEA number, this should be in the HelpDesk ticket, or will come from HR
    • Select the correct DEA Schedules, this should also be in the HelpDesk ticket

Provider Setup Tab

  1. Provider Departments
    • List all Departments the provider may work in
  2. Provider Groups
    • These are groups of resources that can be used in scheduling workflows. Leave as is unless directed otherwise
  3. Appointment Locations
    • List all Departments the provider may be scheduled in
  4. Provider Visit Types
    • List of all Visit Types that may be scheduled with the provider

Billing Tab

  1. EIN is shared across UHS
    • 396006492
  2. NPI
    • If this is a prescribing provider, this is required for full setup
    • This is often in the HelpDesk ticket, but can also be looked up online here

KeywordsPnC, user, provider, create   Doc ID126766
OwnerSam S.GroupUHS Informatics
Created2023-03-21 12:59:33Updated2024-06-03 08:33:15
SitesUHS Informatics
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