SAC Cords and Equipment Check-Out

HDMwhy? Well, here is HDMhow to deal with any check-out requests.

Cords and Equipment Check-Out

HDMI and AV Cords are located in the backroom (3207) in the far right shelves.

  • Make sure when you are putting them back, you coil them up so they fit better in the backroom

AUX Cords are located in a small black pouch in the bottom drawer of the Red Desk

  • Make sure to put the chords back into the black pouch and

Extra Cords are located in the bottom drawer of the Red Desk

Equipment Check-Out Slips are located in the red folder in the bottom drawer of the Red Desk

  • Have the student fill out the form and attach it to their Wiscard with a paper cli

    • DO NOT give them their Wiscard without the checked-out item RETURNED

  • If we are running low on the slips, go to the computer drive, find the forms folder, and then open the equipment checkout file and print.

KeywordsStudent Activity Center Cords and Equipment Check out check-out a/v av hdmi remote tv display audio visual cords   Doc ID126912
OwnerRyan K.GroupCfLI
Created2023-03-27 16:26:11Updated2023-03-27 16:31:06
SitesCenter for Leadership & Involvement
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