Jira Cloud Usability and Accessibility Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help.

Get help

  • Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.

Additional resources

Accessibility & usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.

Screen reader barriers could make navigation difficult for some users, including people who are low vision or blind

Throughout the site, labels for elements like button or form components are not associated with the element and will be announced separately or skipped. 

Keyboard navigation barriers could make using the platform difficult for some users, such as people with motor disabilities 

Several content areas throughout the platform are inaccessible via keyboard, particularly menu options and tasks within project boards. 

Magnification barriers create difficulties perceiving information for some users, such as people with low vision

When magnified at 200%, content in the platform begins to overlap and collide, and users lose the ability to scroll the page via keyboard. 

Low color contrast may introduce barriers for users with low vision or color blindness

Small gray text is used throughout the site that may be difficult for some users to perceive.

KeywordsJira, Atlassian, Confluence, ticket, issue, dashboard, project, accessibility, keyboard, screen reader, magnification   Doc ID127136
OwnerLeah B.GroupIT Accessibility and Usability
Created2023-04-07 12:17:53Updated2023-04-07 12:26:46
SitesIT Accessibility and Usability
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