Redboxed Courses in Guide

This page provides an overview and instructions for resolving redboxed courses in Guide. This page is for use by L&S academic programs that use the Lumen program proposal system.

Definition and Example


Courses will sometimes appear with a "redbox" around them in Guide. This typically happens to courses that undergo major changes, e.g., become inactive or discontinued, credit changes, and catalog number changes.  Programs will need to resolve redboxed courses each Guide Cycle. Here's an example of what this looks like:

Image of a redbox course in Lumen programs

In addition to the red box around the course, these courses appear with no information in Guide. Here's what the COMP SCI redboxed course looks like in Guide, with Math 415 included to show the difference in course information: 

Redbox course as it appears in Guide

How to Fix Redboxed Courses

To fix a redboxed course, you need to use the Lumen program proposal form.  If you are making edits to your governed Guide pages, you can also address any redboxed courses you see.  If you aren't making annual updates and you have redboxed courses, an academic planner from L&S will contact your unit and ask you to fix them and submit a Lumen program proposal, typically in February or March.

Steps to fix a redboxed course:

  1. Go to the Lumen program proposal widget and find the specific program (BA/BS, CERT, PhD, MA/MS, GMIN). The L&S Annual Undergraduate Fall Guide Revisions KB has tips on finding programs. 
  2. Click the green "edit program" button in the right hand corner.
  3. Fill out the Lumen form.
    1. If you are only fixing the redboxed courses, you can indicate this in the required fields.
    2. There is an important question at the top of the form: “Are the proposed changes minor, such as minimal curricular changes, small Guide language edits, red-boxed course corrections, etc.?" Answer "Yes" to give you the streamlined version of the Lumen form.
  4. Scroll down until you find the redboxed course (s).
    1. If the course is in a table, double click on the table to open the course list.
    2. Use the double arrows to remove the course from the course list
  5. Save the changes and submit to workflow. 


Contact Kim Grocholski, L&S Academic Planner (

Academic programs, Lumen, redbox, obsolete, program proposal, courses, Guide 
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