Student Research Poster Printing
UW–Madison libraries has a dedicated page to assist in the printing of large format research posters, i.e. conferences and symposia. If there is a need for other posters or fliers, a timely request can be submitted to the Strategic Communications team using the project request form.
Wide-format poster printing is available to UW-Madison students, faculty, and staff at three locations in the libraries. Options are slightly different at the three locations, so review those options below.
Typical turnaround time is about three hours from receipt of the order during business hours, but can be up to two days during especially busy times.
Available Locations
College Library
Contact College Library Computer Lab
Library Hours
- See important note above about poster printing at College in mid-April.
- Satin and glossy paper
- Orders submitted after 5 p.m.
may be processed the following
business day. - Pickup at the Computer Lab on second floor.
Submit a poster to be printed at College
Step-by-step instructions
Steenbock Library
Contact Steenbock Library
Library Hours
- Satin paper
- Printing services are available
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
Monday through Friday. - Pickup at the service desk inside the main entrance.
Submit a poster to be printed at Steenbock
Step-by-step instructions
MERIT Library
Contact MERIT Library
Library Hours
- Glossy paper
- Orders submitted after 5 p.m.
may be processed the following
business day. - Cardboard tubes available for $3.10.
- Pick up at MERIT service desk.
Submit a poster to be printed at MERIT
Cutting Table
- A cutting table is available to trim your poster. Library staff will not trim your poster.
File Considerations
- The files received are printed as-is. If there is additional formatting, editing, or resizing required, you must do so prior to submission.
- Supported file types: TIFF, PNG, or JPG.
- If you require assistance resizing or saving your poster in the correct format, please see on-site personnel.
Payment Information
- $4/square foot ($4 minimum)
- Payment occurs at time of pickup
- Accepted payment types include:
- Personal:
- Wiscard (Print account or Campus Cash)
- Personal Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard only).
Card must be presented at time of payment.
- Departmental:
- Departmental Wiscards
- Departmental funding strings (department contact information is required)
- Departmental credit cards (p-cards) are not accepted.
- Personal:
Note: If a department would like to fund a large number of posters for one-time engagements, such as for a class project, they may contact the desired location for more information.