For protocols entered into OnCore for non-oncology, what data must be documented or tracked?
This document describes the information required for data entry for non-oncology protocols OnCore.
The study team is responsible to enter the required information.
The following information should be entered for protocols maintained in OnCore:
Protocol information such as title, sponsor, accrual goals, and study completion dates, etc.
Regulatory and committee information such as approval dates, change of protocol dates, consent version dates, etc.
Research group information such as staff assigned to the protocol, fund account information if billable procedures.
Subject demographic information.
Study visit documentation to confirm procedures were performed, etc (note: for studies that include billable UWHC/UWMF procedures, this information must be entered within 24 hours of conducting the study visit to ensure all parties are billed appropriately).
Document History
Reviewed Date | Change Reason | Approver |
01/02/2024 | Updated document style. | Marc Buehler |