Directions: Verification Process for manually maintained Manifest groups

This document provides an overview of the verification process for manually maintained Manifest groups. Verification is more commonly referred to as attestation within the information technology community. The process contains these steps:

Review Automated Emails

Manifest groups that are part of the verification process will have automated emails sent from to individuals with either  “Admin” or “Update” and “Read” access for that manifest group. People with this access are referred to as group administrators in these directions. 

Verification Email Example

  • If you are an administrator for more than one manifest group, the email will list multiple manifest groups.

    • Complete verification and the below steps for each manifest group.

  • Some manifest groups have multiple administrators, the email will list the other manifest group administrators receiving the email so you can coordinate completing verification.

  • Click on the link labeled “Complete Verification here” to start the process

    • The link will take you to manifest for the specific manifest group

  • Manifest will have a yellow banner with the attestation due date and an “Attest/ Verify” button. Do not click on the “Attest/Verify” button until after you have completed the below steps. (Attest and Verify are being used as synonyms)

Screenshot showing yellow banner with attestation due date.

Review group members and update access as needed

  • Under the Members tab review all members of the group 

    • Update membership as needed using Manifest - Manage Group Members (Source:

    • For groups with a lot of members, exporting the list of members may be useful. 

      • In the upper right corner click on the “more actions” button, from the drop down list select one of the export members options.

  • Do not click on the “Verify” button until you have completed the below steps.

Review group privileges and update as needed

  • Click the Privileges tab. A list of the current users with privileges will show.

  • Review privileges and update the privileges or individuals listed as needed using the Manifest - Manage Group Privileges (Source:

Review the service(s) that this group is eligible for

Please make sure the group requires access to the services tools shown.

  • In the upper right corner click on the “more actions” button, from the drop down list select “View where this group is used” 

    • This will open the “Management Tools” page in a new tab in your browser. Please leave the original tab for group details open.

Screenshot to review services group is eligible for.

  • On the “management tools” page you will see the search results for the manifest group you are reviewing. This page will list services that this manifest group has access to through manifest. 

    • Review services listed under Direct Group Membership and Indirect Group Membership

    • If this manifest group is granting access to other tools/services outside of manifest, those will not be listed. For example, if the manifest group is being leveraged by other applications or views to grant access, then that information will not be displayed.

Manifest Management Tools screenshot.

  • Review the services listed. If updates are needed:

    • If a service needs to be removed: 

      • If you have administrator privileges for the service group, then you can remove your manually maintained manifest group as needed. Navigate to the service group and under the Members tab, remove the desired manually maintained manifest group.

      • If you do not have the appropriate permission level to make this update then please submit the request to

    • If you’d like to request additional services please please submit the request to


  • Navigate back to Membership Tab 

    • The Group Details information is open in the original browser tab, go back to that browser tab and select the “Membership” tab.

  • After you have confirmed the membership, administrator privileges, and services are accurate for the manifest group click “Verify”

    • In the upper right hand corner a banner will briefly display indicating that verification was completed

    • The verification due date will be updated

    • Overnight an email confirmation will be sent to you and individuals with either  “Admin” or “Update” and “Read” access for that manifest group


  • Who will receive the emails to complete verification?

    • Individuals with either  “Admin” or “Update” and “Read” access

    • For more information on these privileges, please review the Manifest - Manage Group Privileges (Source:

  • Who do I contact if I have questions?

    • Reply to the email you received asking you to complete verification. These emails are sent from and your questions will be routed to the appropriate team. 

  • What if I shouldn’t be an administrator for this manifest group?

    • If you no longer require the administrator or update and read privileges for this manifest group, please follow instructions in the Manifest - Manage Group Privileges (Source: to first add/update privileges for a different user as needed, then remove your privileges.

  • What happens if this verification process is not completed?

    • At this time, there are no consequences for not completing verification. However, consequences could be added in the future.

    • This verification process contributes to the overall security of the University to ensure that people receive access to only those services that they require and those services are not extended to people that should no longer have access.
  • What if this manifest group is no longer needed?

  • How can I add this verification process to a manifest group?
    • Group Administrators may request to have the verification process turned on for their groups by emailing the request to

KeywordsAttestation Manually Maintained Manifest Groups   Doc ID128981
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2023-06-13 07:26:45Updated2024-05-09 10:00:50
SitesIdentity and Access Management
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