CSSC b380 Data Center Partner Risk Disclosure

The following summary is provided for the benefit of DoIT Data Center partners who have equipment sited in the CSSC b380 data center. The intention is to be transparent about the benefits and risks that are associated with the facility so that partners may make informed decisions about hosting equipment there. Campus Risk Management confirms that catastrophic equipment loss as a result of the stated risks will be covered by campus liability insurance

Summary of Benefits:

  • Power: A/B power at the rack is fed by a UPS that is backed by battery and generator backup capable of offering between 72 and 96 hours of run time or potentially unlimited with refueling.

  • Cooling: Multiple redundant modes of cooling leverage the campus chilled water system, a stand-alone multi-stack chiller unit, free air cooling in the winter months and city water fail-over for a robust portfolio of cooling options.

  • Security: The data center is protected by several physical layers of campus card access 2-factor control as well as campus VMS camera surveillance. 

  • Fire Suppression: The data center is protected by a clean agent Halon system with smoke and heat detectors in the floor and ceiling.

Summary of Risks:

  • Water risks:  The facility is below grade. Water lines exist above equipment rows. A burst in pipes or the data center chilled water loop could result in significant water infiltration under the raised floor or on to hosted equipment. No comprehensive water sensor alarms exist. There is the potential for a catastrophic failure resulting from a flooding situation.

  • Power risks: While UPS/battery and generators provide back-up power in the event of utility power loss, completely redundant A/B power from the building utility power entry point to the racks is not present. An automatic transfer switch failure would result in the data center going down within 15 minutes. The mechanical room housing the building’s water fire suppression system is also next to the electrical transformer room. A failure of one system could impact the other system, resulting in a catastrophic failure. The electrical transformer room and the water suppression system mechanicals room are located three feet below basement elevation.

  • Fire & halon discharge risks: The current halon-based fire suppression system is aging and has been recommended for replacement do to lack of replacement parts. Halon cannot be reloaded if discharged.  If the Halon system were to discharge for any reason, power is automatically shut down in the data center. The data center may be unusable until the fire suppression system is replaced.

power, cooling, partner, research, hosting, flooding, security, departmental, 
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