TubeWriter 360

This document contains information about the TubeWriter 360, including its function, user manual, contact information, location, oversight plan, and training plan. The equipment on this page is typically available for all users in the UW–Madison Biochemistry Department to access for their research needs.

TubeWriter 360


Direct High-Speed Alphanumeric Printing System for Labware

Detailed Equipment Page


Katherine Henzler-Wildman
(608) 890-1094


Room 161, Hector F. DeLuca Biochemistry Labs (433 Babcock Dr)


All maintenance will be performed by NMRFAM researcher, Ronnie O. Frederick. The instrument will be housed in room 161 in the Hector Deluca Biochemistry Laboratories Building.

Weekly maintenance will include: alignment, check for printing rack inventory, weekly computer updates, and checks for software upgrades online.

Quarterly maintenance will include: cartridge changes, print test page, and print rack alignment check.


The TubeWriter 360 is simple to use and the Excel or LIMS compatible interface allows for rapid sample loading. We have generated a training plan that will include an online training, and the potential for scheduled trainings. The online materials will ensure that users are always able to access the appropriate protocols and resources, lowering the barrier of use, and ensuring a self-tailored experience.

Online training and resources will be hosted through the NMRFAM webpage through a shared biochemistry login and password. We will host training videos of rack loading, an introduction to setting up a print run, and a brief tutorial with screen captures to enhance user friendly application.

Scheduled training will be offered by Ronnie Frederick, a Researcher in NMRFAM, and will be advertised on the NMRFAM webpage. These will include the standard onboarding, discussion of racks, and instructions on what to do when something is not functioning properly.

Keywordsbioc biochem biochemistry tube writer alphanumeric print printer printing lab ware labware   Doc ID129558
OwnerMark E.GroupBiochemistry Equipment
Created2023-07-06 09:00:15Updated2023-07-06 15:00:46
SitesCALS Biochemistry Equipment
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