RAMP - Authorization and Login

This document gives an overview of RAMP authorization and login.

RAMP is the awards program from Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) to assist with all grant proposal development, routing, submission to Grants.gov, agreements, and award setup. RAMP went live June 2023. It replaced WISPER.

Please note: As of 6/26/2023, only the UWMSN and UWSYS BU’s use RAMP.

All campus faculty and staff are automatically authorized to use the RAMP system.

Log into RAMP at the Research & Sponsored Programs website: https://rsp.wisc.edu/ramp/.

If you are having problems logging into RAMP, please email the RSP ERA Team (era@rsp.wisc.edu).

Keywordsramp wisper whisper research and sponsored programs huron modules huron research suite grants grant award awards   Doc ID129921
OwnerDana G.GroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2023-07-24 17:46:49Updated2023-07-24 17:52:17
SitesDoIT Help Desk
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