25Live Pro - Availability View

Search for room availability in 25Live by using the Availability View.


The availability grid view will give an overview of the availability of a building, room, or set of locations across a set time period that is more easily accessible when searching for open space.


Step 1

Step 2

In the upper right corner, select the More menu. 
More menu

Step 3

Select "Availability" from the drop-down menu.

Availability menu

Step 4

Use the drop-down building/location search menu and date calendar to set the location and day you would like to view.

Lovation select

date select

Building Availability View

The rooms are listed in the left column, with the time of day listed in the top row. 

calendar view

You can hover over an event with the cursor for more details. 

Event hover

By selecting a specific room in the left-hand column, the room detail page can be accessed for an expanded room availability view.

Room Availability View

Once a room has been selected, the room detail page displays. There are two availability view tabs on the top for either a daily or weekly view.

room availability menu

Room Availability (Daily) 

This view provides an overview of the room's availability over the next 5 calendar weeks. The days are listed on the left column and the time listed on the top row. The "Select Days" button allows you to limit the view to only specific weekdays, if desired. You may also change the date to view a different 5-week period. 

Daily View

Room Availability (Weekly) 

The weekly availability view provides an overview of a room's availability over a specific week. Similar to the daily view, use the "Select Days" option to limit the view.

weekly view

You may also select the number of weeks to view at a single time. A typical fall or spring term consists of 15 weeks of instruction, so by setting the weeks to 15, this can be very useful when looking at a room's availability for an entire term.

15 week view

registrar, Office of the Registrar, RO 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Kate K. in Office of the Registrar
Office of the Registrar