CHM Undergrads - Welcome from Richie Davidson

Richie Davidson's welcome to undergraduate students of the CHM community.

To all undergraduate students at the Center for Healthy Minds:

Undergraduates make many crucial contributions to the success of our community, for which I am deeply appreciative and grateful. I encourage each of you to regard yourselves as I do: as young researchers in training. I expect you to think and act as scientists. Your lab work should be performed with professionalism and punctuality, and your academic efforts should be carried out to the highest scholarly standards. I expect you to follow your supervisor's instructions and the lab requirements and guidelines provided to you. I encourage you to openly share your suggestions for research improvements and questions regarding the nature of our scientific investigations with your supervisors. My schedule does not provide me with the opportunities to meet with each of you individually, but I will provide you with guidance and feedback via your lab mentors. I will also be happy to meet with any of you briefly to address a particular need or question if you request it. Thank you for everything you do to make our community the wonderful and remarkable place that it is.

-Richard J. Davidson

Founder and Director, Center for Healthy Minds & Healthy Minds Innovations

ug undergraduate undergraduates 
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Jane L. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds