Graduate Programs: SoHE Graduate Program Committee (GPC) Membership 2024-2025
Meeting dates, agendas, and minutes for AY 2024-2025
2024-25 SoHE GPC Membership
Janean Dilworth-Bart, Committee Chair
Ben Fisher, CSCR GPC Chair
Katie Fitzpatrick, CBFE GPC Chairs
Kevin Ponto, DS GPC Chair
Sigan Hartley, HDFS GPC Chairs
Matt Calvert, MS GPC Chair
TBA, SoHE GPC Grad Student Representative
Michelle Holland, GPC Administrative Support
Meeting Dates
September 9th
October 14th
November 11th
December 9th
January 13th
February 10th
March 10th
April 14th
May 12th
In addition to the SoHE GPC, each program also has their own GPC meetings throughout the academic year. Program GPC membership is listed below and meeting dates/times varies.
Consumer Behavior & Family Economics (CBFE) GPC
- Katie Fitzpatrick, Chair
- Meg Bea
- Michael Collins
- Yiwei Zhang
- Saksham Singh, graduate student representative
Civil Society & Community Research (CSCR) GPC
- Ben Fisher, Chair
- Matt Calvert
- Jen Gaddis
- Cynthia Jasper
- Zoua Vang
- Carla Rattunde, graduate student representative
Design Studies GPC
- Kevin Ponto, Chair
- Sarah Carter
- Mary Hark
- Uchita Vaid
- Hande Burcu Deniz, graduate student representative
Human Development & Family Studies (HDFS) GPC
- Sigan Hartley, Chair
- Rob Nix
- David Pate
- Janean Dilworth-Bart
- Larissa Duncan
- Andrea Buhler-Wassmann
- TBA, graduate student representative
- Matt Calvert, Chair
- Amy Washbush
- Cynthia Jasper
- Belkis Cerrato Caceres
- Mary Beth Collins
- Mary Hark
- Sarah Halpern-Meekin
- TBA, graduate student representative