Salesforce Platform Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help. Salesforce is a cloud-based platform with several instances at UW-Madison. It is used as both a customer relationship management platform (CRM) and as a development tool for creating user experiences. Separate KBs exist for the Experience Builder accessibility information and the Profile app, which was built using Experience Builder. The following evaluation refers to the CRM platform rather than a specific instance. It does not account for configurations made by each unit using the tool.

Get help

  • Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.
  • For feedback, questions, or accessibility issues, contact Salesforce Business Analyst Emily Reynolds at

Accessibility & usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist. It is also to help those people or offices who support people with disabilities. It is not a comprehensive list of barriers.

Magnification and interface barriers create difficulties perceiving information for some users, such as people with low vision.

Magnification barriers beginning at 150% make it challenging for users with low vision. In some cases, content is omitted altogether in reflow. At 175% magnification, the user is forced to horizontally scroll. At 300% magnification, content moves beyond the viewport and some items become inaccessible.  A user is not able to use the keyboard in the dashboard while the content is magnified. The text on the platform is very small, which makes these magnification and reflow barriers even more serious.  

Significant barriers for individuals using screen readers, such as people with low vision and blindness.

Reading order navigation has several barriers. Links like “Learn More” are not accurately labeled, creating barriers for screen reader users. There are broken ARIA menus. Some information is not communicated to the screen reader, and some information is read multiple times. Some table information is not communicated to the screen reader and some visual dashboard elements don’t offer a text alternative.

Keyboard navigation barriers limit accessibility to all web features for some users, such as people with motor disabilities.

Focus indicators may be minimal, lost, and inconsistent. Keyboard navigation while content is magnified is particularly difficult: items shift off of the screen and keyboard focus will follow them, but the user can’t see the content off screen or the keyboard focus indicator.

KeywordsSalesforce, accessibility, screen reader, magnification, Interoperability, CRM, customer relationship management   Doc ID130434
OwnerMaria D.GroupIT Accessibility and Usability
Created2023-08-17 16:50:25Updated2023-10-06 10:30:57
SitesDoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability
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