How to Publish a Microsoft Outlook 365 Calendar to a Website

Learn how to publish your Outlook 365 calendar to the web.

With Microsoft 365, you can use Outlook on the web to publish your calendar to a website, allowing others to view your events and appointments. Published calendars may be viewed by people inside and outside of Rice.  You can set permissions to allow others to view various levels of detail on your calendar.


Keep Colleagues Updated

Publishing your Microsoft Outlook 365 calendar to a website can help you manage your schedule effectively, coordinate with others, share important events, and keep your colleagues updated of your availability.


Your published Outlook 365 calendar will automatically update whenever changes are made in your Outlook calendar. This means that any new events, modifications, or deletions you make will be reflected on the embedded calendar, without requiring manual updates.


Maintain Your Privacy and Security

Sharing your calendar with others is useful, but make sure to carefully select the permission level of your shared calendar. If you need to change the permissions at any time, you can modify the sharing permissions or follow the steps below to create a new calendar URL.



Obtain the sharing link from Outlook calendar using the Outlook web app

  1. Point your browser to:


  1. Sign in to Microsoft 365 using, and click ‘Next’.


If you are still having difficulty logging in, please submit a support request using this online form. 

  1. Navigate to Outlook by clicking on the app launcher (the nine dots in the top left corner) and selecting the Outlook icon.
    screenshot showing the Microsoft 365 application menu
  2. Click the gear icon at the top right of the screen to open Outlook settings.
    screenshot showing the settings menu in Microsoft Outlook 365.

  3. Click Calendar > Shared calendars. View the ‘Publish a calendar’ section. Use the drop-down menu to select the calendar you would like to share via an HTML link. Select an option.

    'Can view when I'm busy': allows others to see when you're busy, but does not include details like the event location.


    'Can view titles and locations': allows others to see when you're busy, as well as the title and location of events.


    'Can view all details': allows others to see all the details of your events.

    screenshot showing the Shared Calendars settings in Office 365.

  4. Click ‘Publish.’ Clicking ‘Publish’ will create two links: an HTML link and an ICS link. The HTML link allows people to view your calendar in a browser.

Share Your Published Outlook Calendar

  1. After you click ‘Publish’, you will see an option to copy the HTML link. Click ‘Copy link’ and share it with anyone that you would like to view your calendar using a browser. Others will be able to see the information that you decided to share in Step 5 above.

     screenshot showing the publish and unpublish options in the Shared Calendar settings area of Outlook 365

  2. Inform others to click their browser’s refresh button to update the calendar in the browser window. The web page will not dynamically update, so the refresh button must be used to update the content shown.


Unpublish Your Outlook Calendar

You can unpublish your calendar at any time.


  1. Click the gear icon at the top right of Outlook 365 to open Outlook settings.


  1. Select Shared calendars.

  2. Under Publish a calendar, select Unpublish.

screenshot showing the publish and unpublish options in the Shared Calendar settings area of Outlook 365





Keywordsemail modernization, outlook 365, microsoft outlook, outlook, calendar, publish calendar   Doc ID130454
OwnerNicole D.GroupRice U
Created2023-08-18 13:54:41Updated2023-08-25 14:14:29
SitesDoIT Help Desk
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