University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2018 to May 2019

Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda once approved.

May 2019

Agenda for May 20, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
Incoming UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates        
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 13, 2019
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.(1:15) Employee Assistance Office update (Sherry Boeger) 
6.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller) 
Faculty pay data and pay tools (with Allison La Tarte, Michael Bernard-Donals, Mark Walters)
7.(2:00) Provost update and farewell (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.(2:30) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
Shared governance structure
9.UC new member and new chair orientation and 2019-2020 committee assignments
10.(no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for May 13, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Wolf
UC members expected absent: Ventura, Warfield
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates    
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 6, 2019
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.(1:10) Chief Information Officer (CIO) update (Lois Brooks)
6.(1:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank) 
7.(no earlier than 1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, grievance.
8.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for May 06, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
          Classroom Locking
          Faculty Senate research proposal
          Guidelines on promotion to full professor
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 22, 2019
4.Titling for long-term practitioner-instructors and related positions
5(1:30) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
6.(no earlier than 1:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, grievance.
7.(2:30) Reconvene in open session
8Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
9.(no later than 3:00 p.m.) Adjournment

April 2019

 Agenda for April 22, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Ventura
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of April 15, 2019
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack OMeara)
5.Faculty Senate agenda review
6.(1:15) EdX learning platform (Jeff Russell, Marty Gustafson)
7.(1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Norman Drinkwater)
8.(1:45) Vice Provost for Enrollment Management update (Steve Hahn)
9.(2:10) VC for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
10.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
11.(no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for April 15, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of April 8, 2019
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Faculty Senate agenda review
6.(1:10) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
7.(1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller)
8.(1:50) UW Police Department update (Kristen Roman)
9.(2:20) VC for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
10.(no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for April 8, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of April 1, 2019
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.April Faculty Senate follow-up and May Faculty Senate planning
6.(1:40) CURAFA annual report (Nick Hillman, Tracy Mores)
7.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.(2:30) Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
9.Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for April 1, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of March 25, 2019
4.(1:10) US Census/PSEO graduate earnings data (Jocelyn Milner)
5.(1:30) Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning update (Steve Cramer)
6.(1:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
7.(2:10) Reconvene in open session.
8.Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
9.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
10.(no later than 3:00) Adjournment

March 2019

 Agenda for March 25, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of March 11, 2019
4.(1:10) Archives Committee annual report (Joe Kemnitz, Katie Nash)
5.Division of Extension administrative hiring and academic structure 
6.Senate Agenda, including proposed Academic Staff titles
7.Recording of presentations by finalists (along with Q&A) for high-level positions
8.(1:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
9.(2:00) Reconvene in open session
10.Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
11.(2:20) Pre-College Policy (Prenicia Clifton, Katie Duren, John Miller, Jeff Russell)
12.Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for March 11, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
[Note slightly delayed start time]
1. (1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 25, 2019
4. Consent item: Approved minutes of the meeting of March 4, 2019
5. Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
6. Proposed Academic Staff titles (Professor of Practice, Teaching Professor, Research Professor)
7. Recording of presentations by finalists for high-level positions
8. Division of Extension academic structure proposal and administrative integration
9. (1:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
10. (3:15) Reconvene in open session
11. Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
12. Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for March 4, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
[Note slightly delayed start time]
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 25, 2019
4.(1:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance, committee assignment.
5.(2:00) Reconvene in open session
6.Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
8.Wrap-up and adjournment (no later than 3:00 p.m.)
[3:30 p.m. – UW-Madison Faculty Senate, 272 Bascom] 

February 2019

 Agenda for February 25, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
[Note slightly delayed start time]
1.(1:10 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 18, 2019
4.(1:15) PROFS annual report and update (Dorothy Farrar-Edwards, Jack O’Meara)
5.(1:30) Campus Transportation Committee annual report (Teresa Adams)
6.(1:50) UW System restructuring (Extension merger) update (Casey Nagy)
7.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.(2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, grievances, committee assignments.
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for February 18, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 11, 2019
4.Joint appointments best practices (Michael Bernard-Donals)
5.(1:50) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller)
6.(2:10) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
7.(2:20) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
8.(no later than 2:45) Adjournment

 Agenda for February 11, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 4, 2019
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.(1:10) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
6.(1:40) Ombuds Annual Report (Chuck Snowden, Rick Nordheim)
7.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.(2:20) Governance aspects of search & screen procedures (Carole Kolb, Dorothy Edwards, Anja Wanner)
9.(2:50) Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
10.(3:10) Department chair leadership survey (Mark Rickenbach)
11.(3:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, faculty grievance, committee assignments.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for February 4, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 28, 2019
4.(1:10) Resolution on investment alternatives (Ian Baird, Jenna Loyd)
5.(1:30) Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning update (Steve Cramer)
6.(2:00) Chief Diversity Office update (Patrick Sims)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(no later than 3:00) Adjournment
[3:30 p.m.: UW-Madison Faculty Senate, 272 Bascom]

January 2019

 Agenda for January 28, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 14, 2019
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Senate agenda review
6.Ad hoc study group on productivity in higher education
7.Cooperative Extension academic structure
8.2019-2020 UC chair election
9.(1:30) Shared governance document (AS, US, and student reps invited)
10.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
11.(2:20) Retirement Issues Committee annual report (Claude Woods, Louis Leffler)
12.(2:35) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, faculty grievance, committee assignments.
13.Reconvene in open session to adjourn. 

 Agenda for January 14, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Bowers, Ventura
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences
2.Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers.
3.(1:15) Reconvene in open session
4.Announcements and updates
5.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 7, 2019
6.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
7.(1:30) System restructuring update (Casey Nagy)
8.(1:40) Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
9.(2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, personnel appeal.
10.(2:30) Reconvene in open session
11.Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf) 
12.(2:45) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
13.(3:00) Diversity Liaison Project (Ruth Litovsky, Naomi Chesler, Hannah Eldridge, David Crook, Patrick Sims)
14.Wrap-up and adjournment.

 Agenda for January 7, 2019
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Ventura
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 17, 2018
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 27, 2018
5.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
6.(1:10) Police chief update (Kristen Roman)
7.(no earlier than 1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers.
8.(2:00) Reconvene in open session
9.Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
10.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11.Wrap-up and adjournment.

December 2018

 Agenda for December 27, 2018
(Special Meeting)
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(8:30 a.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments.
3.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for December 17, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
[12:30 – PROFS Board of Directors]
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 10, 2018
4.(1:10) Sustainability update (Missy Nergard, David Darling)
5.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller)
6.(2:00) Information Technology Committee annual report (Joe Salmons)
7.(2:20) Investment options resolution (Ian Baird, Jenna Loyd)
8.(no earlier than 2:35) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers.
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

Agenda for December 10, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 26, 2018
4.PROFS Legislative Update (Jack O’Meara)
5.Cooperative Extension faculty transition working group letter
6.(1:10) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller, Chris McIntosh)
7.(1:40) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:30) Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
10.(2:50) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
11.(3:00) Accreditation update (Jocelyn Milner)
12.(no earlier than 3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments.
13.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

November 2018

 Agenda for November 26, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 19, 2018
4.Evaluating interdisciplinary work and programs
5.Resolution on program productivity 
6.(1:30) Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning update (Steve Cramer)
7.(2:00) Summer Term update (Jeff Russell, Aphra Mednick, Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:30) Admissions update (Andre Phillips)
10.(2:50) Personnel file and reference policies (Patrick Sheehan)
11.(no earlier than 3:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for November 19, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 12, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.December 2018 Senate agenda and materials
6.(1:20) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (Lori Reesor)
7.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (Laurent Heller)
8.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:20) UW System restructuring update (Casey Nagy)
10.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11.(2:50) Budget Committee annual report (Ankur Desai)
12.(no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers, grievance.
13.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for November 12, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Ventura, Wolf
UC members expected absent: Bowers, Warfield
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 29, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Graduate Assistant Mandatory Fees
6.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Norman Drinkwater)
7.(2:00) Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
8.(2:20) Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
9.(no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments.
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for November 05, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 29, 2018
4.(1:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers, grievances.
5.(2:00) Reconvene in open session
6.Chief Diversity Office update (Patrick Sims)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
8.(No later than 3:00) Adjournment 
[3:30 p.m. – UW-Madison Faculty Senate, 272 Bascom]

October 2018

 Agenda for October 29, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 22, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Promotion increments (Michael Bernard-Donals)
6.(1:30) Multifactor authentication (Lois Brooks, DoIT staff)
7.Faculty Senate agenda and materials
8.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
10.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments, rule waivers.
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn. 

 Agenda for October 22, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Bowers
1.(1:10 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff update (Michael Bernard-Donals)
3.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Norman Drinkwater)
4.Announcements and updates
5.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 15, 2018
6.Senate agenda and materials
7.(2:00) Dean of Students search and screen (Lori Reesor)
8.(2:20) TAA Mandatory Fees Campaign (Chance McMahon, Rob Timberlake)
9.(no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, grievance.
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn. 

 Agenda for October 15, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 8, 2018
4.Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits annual report (Barb Bowers)
5.(1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller)
6.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf) UAPC Annual Report
7.(2:20) System restructuring update (Casey Nagy)
8.(no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, grievance.
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn. 

 Agenda for October 8, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:10 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
3.(1:25) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
4.(1:40) Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning update (Steve Cramer)
5.Announcements and updates
6.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 1, 2018
7.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
8.(2:00) Vice Provost for Libraries update and University Library Committee annual report (Lisa Carter, Sabine Gross)
9.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10.(2:50) CURAFA update (Nick Hillman)
11.Discussion: productivity in higher education
12.Discussion: joint statement with Cooperative Extension UC on next steps
13.Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for October 1, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:10 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 17, 2018
4.(1:15) Personnel file policy (Patrick Sheehan, Mark Walters)
5.(1:30) CIO update (Lois Brooks)
6.(2:00) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
9.(3:00) Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
[3:30 p.m.: UW-Madison Faculty Senate, 272 Bascom]

September 2018

 Agenda for September 17, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Laurent Heller)
3.Announcements and updates
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 27, 2018
5.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 10, 2018
6.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
7.October Faculty Senate agenda and materials
8.(no earlier than 2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
9.(3:00) Reconvene in open session
10.Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
11.(3:20) Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
12.Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for September 10, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 27, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Faculty Senate October agenda 
6.(1:20) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
7.(1:40) UW Cooperative Extension (Mike Ballweg, Elmo Rawling, David Nack, Andrea Cool)
8.Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:30) Chief of Police update (Kristen Roman)
10.(3:00) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
11.(no earlier than 3:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

August 2018

Agenda for August 27th, 2018
 UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
[12:30 p.m. – PROFS Board of Directors meeting]
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 13, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Institutional Review Board (IRB) review update (Dorothy Farrar Edwards)
6.VCRGE Search and Screen update (Dorothy Farrar Edwards)
7.(1:45) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
8.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf) and UAPC Annual Report
9.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, grievance.
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for August 13, 2018
UC members expected present: Bowers (chair), Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield
UC members expected absent: Amasino, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 16, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.(1:10) Hostile and Intimidating Behavior Policy review (Michael Bernard-Donals)
6.(1:30) University Curriculum Committee annual report (Ivy Corfis, Michelle Young)
7.(1:45) Extension-Madison reunification update (Casey Nagy)
8.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9.(2:20) Learfield Sports contract update (Charlie Hoslet)
10.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

July 2018

 Agenda for July 16, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
UC member expected absent: Bowers
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 2, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.(1:10) Consensual Relationship policy (Cathy Trueba, Lauren Hasselbacher)
6.(1:40) Extension-Madison reunification update (Casey Nagy)
7.(2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments, waivers, grievance.
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for July 2, 2018
UC members expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1. (2:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
a.Faculty rep update (Terry Warfield)
b.UW Extension update (Steve Ventura)
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 11, 2018
4.Legislative update (PROFS; Jack O’Meara)
5.Charge for group on department-like bodies and tenure homes
6.Lakeshore Nature Preserve Committee
7. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments, waivers, grievance.
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

June 2018

  Agenda for June 11, 2018
Expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1. (1:00 p.m) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 4, 2018
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (no earlier than 1:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments, grievance.
6. (2:30) Reconvene in open session
7. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8. Wrap-up and adjournment

 Agenda for June 4, 2018
Expected present: Amasino (chair), Bowers, Campagnola, Ventura, Warfield, Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcement and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 21, 2018
4.(1:05) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments, rule waivers, grievance.
5.(2:00) Reconvene in open session
6.Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.Wrap-up and adjournment

KeywordsUniversity Committee reports uc list Student affairs   Doc ID130538
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2023-08-23 10:37:16Updated2024-02-15 13:21:13
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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