Acuity One45 - People Reports
This document shows reports about people available within the Acuity One45 system.
Rolodex Report (Learner, Faculty, and Admin)
The Rolodex report is a Microsoft Excel export.
To access the report for learners:
- Select 'Rolodexes'
- Click on 'Students' and see the drop down appear
- Click on 'Excel Export'
The Learner Rolodex export shows the following information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Grad Year
- Credentials
- Campus ID
- Empl ID
- Level
- Pronouns
- Name Pronunciation
- Locker Number
- Locker Location
- Locker Combination
- ACAP House Mentor
- ACAP House
- One45 ID
To access the report for faculty:
- Select 'Rolodexes'
- Click on 'Faculty' and see the drop down appear
- Click on 'Excel Export'
The Faculty Rolodex export shows the following information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Phone
- Credentials
- Empl ID
- Specialty
- One45 ID
To access the report for admin:
- Select 'Rolodexes'
- Click on 'Admin' and see the drop down appear
- Click on 'Excel Export'
The Admin Rolodex export shows the following information:
- Last Name
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Phone
- Credentials
- One45 ID
People Information Report
To pull the People Information Report:
- Click on 'Reports', then 'Reports Center'.
- Select 'People Information Report'.
- Select the group of people you want to pull a report for (Admins, Faculty, Residents, or Students)
- Select 'Run Report' to manipulate data before exporting, or select 'Export to Excel'.
- To search for specific information, use the search bar.
- To filter results, select 'Filters'.
- To manipulate the fields shown, click show/hide columns.
- At any point from this report, you can export to Excel by clicking 'Excel'.
The information available includes:
- One45 ID
- First Name
- Middle Name
- Last Name
- Suffix
- Credentials
- Rank
- Level
- Grad Year
- Student Number
- Faculty ID
- People Type(s)
- Current Group(s)
- All Group(s)
- Creation Date
- Last Login Date
Student Photos
To view an individual student photo, view this KB document.
To view all of the student photos:
- Ensure you are in the right group and year. For this example, the group is "Undergrad" and the year is "2021/22".
- Click on "Rolodexes".
- Click the 'Students" drop down on the menu on the left-hand side.
- Click "All Students".
- All student photos will populate for that group/year.
Questions & Support
For questions and support, please email: