CHM IT - Email Lists (Google Groups)

A list of email address maintained for the CHMI Community.

We use a combination of auto generated lists via manifest lists and some targeted lists maintained by admin staff. Older granular lists still exist, but are not being maintained so if you use them you may not be reaching all the people you believe you are.

Please contact Brendon ( for any of the following:

  • General questions about the community Google Groups
  • To be added to or removed from a group
  • To create a new CHM Google Group

Group Descriptions

 Automatically Generated Groups

Automatically Generated Email Groups
Group name: Emails go to: Everyone at CHM + undergrads both paid and credit. Everyone at CHM but no undergrads included. All HMI staff. Used for emails to just HMI. Not administered by anyone at CHM. Undergrads working at CHM for class credit (including URS students) Undergrads working at CHM as student hourlies

Manually Maintained Groups

Manually Maintained Email Groups
Group name: Emails go to: All CHM affiliated faculty and professors. CHM affiliated faculty, professors, and program directors along with some HMI personnel that intersect with CHM research. Grad students, post docs, research interns. Members of the Research Support Core People who are current supervisors at CHM. This list does not include all time approvers or those that hold informal reporting relationships. People who are current supervisors of undergraduates who work at CHM for credit. People who are current supervisors of undergraduates who work at CHM for pay. Everyone at CHM but undergrads and everyone at HMI. Can be used for planing super secret surprises for people. Contact Brendon to set it up for your next surprise. Quality Coding group, open to all interested in getting better at programming

Optional Groups

These groups are optional email groups. Please contact Brendon Panke ( to be added.

Optional Email Groups
Group name and link: Use:
CHM Research Sharing publications, stats methods, research methods, etc. that may be of interest to members of the community who are involved in human subjects research, but does not need to reach specific people.

As of September 2023 we have decided to retire the P.A.W. (Positive Affect Wall) group in favor of allowing people to post their social/non-work events on the main list. If we find that causes too much traffic on the main list we will reassess this decision.

*Please email Brendon ( if you need to know who is a member of these groups.

Research List, chm_all, chm_staff, CHM_Ugrad, CHM_Faculty, SCILAD, CHM_Trainees, CHM_Supervisors_Credit_Ugrad, CHM_Supervisors_Pay_Ugrad,, g groups 
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Owned by:
Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds