CHM Undergrads - FAN Meetings

FAN Meeting information, requirements, and dates.


What are FAN Meetings?

    Fun with Affective Neuroscience (FAN) meetings are hour-long events, held four times per semester, for our undergraduates to learn about CHM research beyond the students' own projects. FAN meetings are led by CHM graduate students, scientists, and affiliated faculty, who present on their work or study. A few times a year the meetings focus on professional development (for example, different career options in research and different paths to get there; how to craft a CV; how to use social media to facilitate professional networking).

    Recording Time Spent at a Meeting

    • Research credit students are required to attend FAN meetings (excluding students of Sarah Short), and will record FAN meeting time on their logsheets.
      • Students of Sarah Short are not required to attend (but encouraged). If attending, students of Sarah Short will record the time spent at the meeting on their logsheets (credit) or HRS timesheets (hourly).
    • Hourly (paid) students are encouraged to attend FAN meetings, and will record the time spent at the meeting on their HRS timesheets

    Research Credit Student Requirements

    Research credit students are required to attend FAN meetings (excluding students of Sarah Short). Students of Sarah Short are encouraged to attend

    Check the Canvas FAN meeting module for an assignment titled "To Review in Advance." This assignment contains readings and information to provide background information. You are expected to review this information before the FAN meeting.

    Missing a FAN Meeting and Make-up Assignments

    We strongly prefer that you attend every FAN meeting rather than write a make-up assignment. However, if you cannot attend a meeting due to a scheduling conflict, let Jane Lambert ( know why you are unable to attend before the meeting and complete the makeup assignment. You must be present for at least 30 minutes of the presentation or discussion portion of the meeting in order to not have to write a make-up assignment.

    • If you know in advance that you will not be able to attend a FAN meeting, let Jane Lambert ( know why before the time of the meeting.

    If you are unable to attend a FAN meeting, you must complete the make-up assignment. The make-up assignment involves watching the meeting recording and writing a brief (one paragraph) reflection based on a prompt. The FAN make-up assignment is due 7 days after the assignment is posted, at 11:59 PM. Please see Canvas for FAN make-up assignments.

    FAN Dates

    For FAN meeting dates, please see Important Dates. Information can also be found in the Canvas FAN meeting modules.

    Keywordsug undergraduate research credit paid hourly FAN fan make up make-up   Doc ID130742
    OwnerJane L.GroupCenter for Healthy Minds
    Created2023-08-30 12:31:18Updated2024-09-03 13:57:35
    SitesCenter for Healthy Minds
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