Research-NCBI and SciENcv

Some federal agencies require biographical sketch (NSF, NIH, IES) and current and pending support (NSF) documents to be created using SciENcv, a tool within NCBI. This page outlines how to access NCBI, invite delegates, and create biosketch or current and pending support documents using SciENcv.

Access NCBI

Create an NCBI account

There are a variety of options that can be used to log in to NCBI, including through a linked account for another federal system, UW-Madison SSO credentials, or

The following steps outline using UW-Madison SSO credentials.

    1. Go to NCBI Account Creation/Log In
    2. Click “More Sign Up Options” at the bottom of the screen
    3. Type “Madison” in the search box at the top of the screen
    4. Click “University of Wisconsin-Madison” – you will be redirected to a UW SSO sign in page
    5. At the SSO page, enter your UW NetID and password, and go through the Duo prompts to log into your account
    6. If prompted, either create a new NCBI account or Link to an existing NCBI account (recommended)
    7. Click on your User ID name displayed in the upper right corner of the screen to toggle between Dashboard, Publications, and Account Settings

Account Settings

Manage NCBI Account Settings

You can link your NCBI Account to other accounts to merge information from those accounts and reduce duplication of effort. 

Commonly linked accounts include ORCID iD, eRA Commons, NSF, etc.

    1. Click on your name in the upper right of the screen

    2. Click on Account Settings

    3. Scroll to Linked Accounts section

    4. Click “Add account” and select the account(s) you wish to link (e.g., eRA Commons, ORCID, NSF, etc.).

You can add delegates who can then assist with entering and updating information in your My Bibliography(ies) and SciENcv.

    1. Click on your name in the upper right of the screen

    2. Click on Account Settings

    3. Scroll to Delegates section

    4. Click “Add delegate” and enter the email addresses of the individuals you wish to add. 

    5. Delegates will need to create or log in to their NCBI account to accept the invitation to access your account as a delegate.

For assistance with proposals and progress reports, add both Sarah Marcotte and Sherry Huhn as delegates: and

My Bibliography

Create a My Bibliography

My Bibliography is a reference tool that helps you save citations from PubMed or, for citations not found there, to manually upload a citations file, or to enter citation information using standard templates.

You must create a bibliography that contains publications, presentations, and other products that you wish to include in a Biosketch in the SciENcv system. You will not be able to enter publications once you are working in SciENcv. All publications and other products must be added to one of your bibliographies through one of the following mechanisms:


Create a Document in SciENcv

Currently, SciENcv enables you to create a biographical sketch for NSF, NIH, or IES; or create a current and pending support document for NSF.

    1. From the main NCBI screen, in the lower right corner, click on the hyperlink to access the SciENcv portal

    2. Add or edit your profile information (Name, Title, Institution, ORCID ID, NSF ID, eRA Commons ID)

    3. Select “Create a New Document”

      1. Select the format (agency and document type)

      2. Select the data source (blank or copy from an existing document)

      3. Select the sharing setting (Public or Private)

    4. Complete all of the sections of the document you are creating

Tip for Biosketches: You must have your My Bibliography complete and populated with the publications and products you wish to add to a SciENcv document. You will not be able to add publication details from the SciENcv portal.

Tip for Current and Pending Support: Upon completion of the data entry, you will need to download the PDF and in doing so, your name and date of the download will automatically populate the document, serving as Certification (signature). The Certification step cannot be delegated.


MyNCBI Login

MyNCBI Help Manual

SciENcv Help Manual

biosketch biographical sketch ncbi current pending other support sciencv 
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Sarah M. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology