Ad Hoc Instructor Payment, ASSA Procedures

Learn how to pay ad hoc instructors (individuals or businesses) who DCS plans to pay over $5,000 in one year's time.

Overview: This procedure only applies to creating ASSAs. ASSAs are created if a contractor (an individual or a business such as an LLC) is anticipated to earn more than $5000 in a 12-month period. ASSAs are essentially a business contract issued by Business Services to the contractor being compensated for services.

  • Payments to a contractor that exceed $5000 in a 12-month period are considered an illegal purchase which is why an ASSA may be necessary. Business Services may take up to 3 months to approve. Work on an ASSA should start four months in advance of a contractor's first day of instruction to avoid payment delays.

Purpose: Document internal DCS procedures on how and when to request an Academic Services Support Agreement (ASSA). To determine if an ASSA is needed, see the DCS Instructor Payment Flowchart and discuss it with the Department Administrator (Andy Richardson).

Responsible Party: Program Support, Program Development

Scope: This procedure only applies to creating ASSAs which first require a requisition request to be submitted to Business Services.

  • Review the ASSA Instructions for detailed steps for completing requisition forms, and submitting a requisition in ShopUW+.

pay, payment, ad hoc, instructor, ASSA, Academic Services Support Agreement, contract, requisition 
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Ashley K. in Division of Continuing Studies-Noncredit
Division of Continuing Studies-Noncredit