University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2019 to May 2020

Meetings minutes are linked from each agenda once approved.

May 2020

 Agenda for May 18, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 11, 2020
4.(1:35) PROFS update
5.(1:40) Jeff Russell, Dean of Continuing Studies, and Keri Johnson, Assistant Dean for Summer Term (Summer Term update)
6.(2:00) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
7.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8.UC Statement to “Blueprint for the University of Wisconsin System Beyond COVID-19”
9. (no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers; committee appointments
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for May 11, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 4, 2020
4.(1:35) PROFS update
5.(1:40) Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
6.(2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7.(no earlier than 2:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers; personnel issues; committee appointments
8.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for May 4, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 27, 2020
4.(1:45) Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
5.(2:00) Charlie Hoslet, Vice Chancellor for University Relations
6.(2:20) Karl Scholz, Provost (Summer Grading Policy)
7.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8.(no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointments
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for May 1, 2020
1:00 pm
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Update from UW System Representatives Meeting
3.(1:30) Adjourn

April 2020

 Agenda for April 27, 2020
1:30 pm
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 20, 2020
4.Senate agenda review
5.(1:45) Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff (Department Chair Survey)
6.(2:00) Karl Scholz, Provost
7.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8.(2:45) Laurent Heller, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration
9.(3:15) Alfonso Morales, Chair of the Immigration and International Issues Committee (DACA resolution for staff)
10.(no earlier than 3:25) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; committee appointments
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for April 20, 2020
1:00 pm****Note early start time**
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:00 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
3.(no earlier than 1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(e) to discuss university business matters with competitive implications
4.(2:30) Reconvene in open session
5.(2:30) Guest: Patrick Sims, Chief Diversity Officer
6.(2:45) Announcements and updates
7.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 13, 2020
8.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss grievances
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for April 13, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1. (1:30 pm) Meeting commences.
2. (1:30) Guest: Peter Miller, Chair, Athletic Board
3. (1:50) Guest: Bill Karpus, Dean, Graduate School
4. (2:10) Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 6, 2020
6. Senate agenda review
7. Instructor expectations of students
8. (2:30) Guest: Mark Walters, Chief Human Resources Officer
9. (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; rule waivers; committee appointments
10. Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for April 6, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 30, 2020
4.(1:40) PROFS update
5.(1:45) Guests: Scott Owczarek, Registrar; Jocelyn Milner, Vice Provost of Academic Affairs; and Steve Cramer, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (Topic: COVID-19 pass/fail for spring semester grading)
 6.(2:00) Call for the regular Faculty Senate meeting to be held as a videoconference on April 20 (for vote)
University Committee Chair for 2020-2021 (for vote)
Faculty Senate orientation discussion
7.(2:30) Guest: Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8.(no earlier than 2:35) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss committee appointment; grievances
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

March 2020

 Agenda for March 30, 2020
1:30 pm
UC members expected present: 
Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
**PROFS Board of Directors Meeting at 1:15**
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 23, 2020
3.Announcements and updates
4.(1:45) Draft tenure guidelines language regarding diversity and community engaged scholarship
5.Senate Logistics
6.Promotion to Full Discussion
7.(2:15) Guest: Rebecca Blank, Chancellor
8.(no earlier than 2:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; role waivers; committee appointments
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-03-30 

 Agenda for March 23, 2020
via Videoconference
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.(1: 30) Guest: Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
3.(2:00) Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
4.(2:30) Guest: J.J. Andrews, co-chair, CURAFA
5.(2:45) Guest: Joe Salmons, chair, Information Technology Committee
6.(3:00) Guest: Alfonso Morales, chair, Immigration and International Issues Committee 
7.(3:15) Announcements and updates
8.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 9, 2020
9.(no earlier than 3:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers and personnel issues
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Next meeting: Steve Ventura (Divisional language about diversity and community engaged scholarship); Leon Nel (ATP business case); Rebecca Blank, Chancellor

 Agenda for March 9, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 pm) Meeting commences.  
2.(1: 30) Guest: Pete Miller, Chair of Athletic Board
3.(1:45) Guest: Bill Karpus, Dean of the Graduate School
4.(2:00) Guest: Karl Scholz, Provost
5.(2:30) Guest: Ombuds Office
6.(2:45) Announcements and updates
7.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 2, 2020
8.Teaching titles (Teaching Faculty and Teaching Professor)
9.(no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss role waivers
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn
**The University Committee will next meet on March 23**
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2020-03-09 
 Agenda for March 2, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 24, 2020 
4.(1:45) Steve Cramer, Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, and Scott Owczarek, Registrar
5.(2:30) Rebecca Blank, Chancellor

February 2020

 Agenda for February 24, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.(no earlier than 1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters
3.(1:45) Michael Bernard-Donals, Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff
4.(2:00)Karl Scholz, Provost
5.(2:30)Lori Reesor, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs
6.(2:45) Corinna Burger, Chair, Kemper Knapp Bequest Committee (Annual Report)
7.Announcements and updates
8.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 10 and 17, 2020
9.Senate Agenda Review
10.(no earlier than 3:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for February 17, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.(1:30) Campus Transportation Committee annual report (Carey McAndrews)
3.(1:45) Announcements and updates
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 10, 2020
5.PROFS update
6.(2:00) Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration update (Laurent Heller)
7.(2:30)  Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; role waivers; committee appointments
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for February 10, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 3, 2020
4.(1:45) Dean of the Graduate School (Bill Karpus)
5.(2:00)  Provost update (Karl Scholz)
6.(no earlier than 2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; rule waivers; committee appointments
7.Reconvene in open session to adjourn
 Agenda for February 3, 2020
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
UC members expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 27, 2020
4.(1:45) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Steve Ackerman)
5.(2:15) WiscList Migration Project
6.(2:30)  Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
7.(no earlier than 1:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; role waivers; committee appointments
8.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

January 2020

 Agenda for January 27, 2020 
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates.
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 13, 2020
4.(1:40) Athletic Board update (Professor Pete Miller, chair)
5.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz)
6.(2:30)  Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
7.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; clock extensions; committee appointments
8.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
 Agenda for January 13, 2020 
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, 
Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 6, 2020
4.(1:40) Graduate School update (Dean William Karpus)
5.(2:30) Professor of Practice ad hoc committee report (Professor Kris Kwekkeboom, chair)
6.(2:45)  Academic appointments in SMPH (Dean Robert Golden)
7.(3:00) New Employee Accommodation Policy (Barb Lanser, Director of Employee Disability Resources Office, et al.) 
8.(3:20) PROFS annual report (Dorothy Farrar-Edwards, chair)
9.(no earlier than 3:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; rule waivers; tenure clock extensions
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
 Agenda for January 6, 2020
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair)
UC members absent: Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.(1:30) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Steve Ackerman)
3.(2:00) Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
4.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
5.Faculty Senate preview
6.Announcements and updates
7.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 16, 2019
8.(no earlier than 3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; clock extensions; rule waivers
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

December 2019

 Agenda for December 16, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.PROFS update (Jack O’Meara)
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 9, 2019 
5.(1:30) Compliance Officer update (Emotional Support Animal and the updated Service Animal policies) (Jaimee Gilford, with Mari Magler, Director of McBurney, and Barb Lanser, Employee Disability Resource Coordinator)
6.(1:45) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
7. (2:00) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (Laurent Heller) 
8.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9.(2:50) Chief Information Officer/Vice Provost for Information Technology update (Lois Brooks, with Tamara Walker)
10.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; clock extensions; rule waivers
11.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for December 9, 2019
UC members expected present: Warfield (chair), Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meetings of November 25 and December 2, 2019
4.(1:25) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
5.(1:40) Graduate School update (Bill Karpus) 
6.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz)
7.(no sooner than 2:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters.
8.Reconvene in open session 
9.(2:30) Chief of Police (Kristen Roman)
10.(3:00) PROFS update (Jack O’Meara)


 Agenda for December 2, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Chief Diversity Officer  update (Patrick Sims)
3.Announcements and updates
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 18. 2019
5.Adjourn no later than 3:00

November 2019

 Agenda for November 25, 2019 
UC members expected present: Warfield (chair), Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 18, 2019
4.(1:45) Discussion: Campus Policy for Undergraduate Online Education (Bill Tishler) 
5.(2:00) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
6.(no sooner than 2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters, rule waivers.
7.Reconvene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for November 18, 2019
UC members expected present: Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
Expected absent: Campagnola, Halverson
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 11. 2019
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.(1:30) Campus Diversity and Climate Committee annual report (Nasia Safdar) 
6.(2:00) Vice Provost for Lifelong Learning and Dean of Continuing Studies update (Jeff Russell)
7.(no sooner than 2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters, rule waivers.
8.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for November 11, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences. 
2.(1:20) Human Resources Officer update (Mark Walters) 
3.Announcements and updates
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 4, 2019
5.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz) 
6.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank) 
7.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments
8.Convene in open session to adjourn

 Agenda for November 4, 2019 
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
Expected absent: Halverson
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences. Move to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers and searches.
2.Reconvene in open session 1:30
3.Announcements and updates
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 28, 2019
5.(1:40) Employee Assistance Office annual report and update (Sherry Boeger)
6.(2:00) Vice Provost for Libraries and University Librarian update (Lisa Carter) 
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank) 
8.(no later than 3:00 p.m.) Wrap-up and adjournment

October 2019

 Agenda for October 28, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:10 p.m.) Meeting commences.  Note the slightly earlier start time
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 21, 2019 
4.(1:20) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
5.(1:40) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Steve Ackerman)
6.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank) 
8.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters; clock extensions; committee appointments
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for October 21, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 14, 2019 
4.(1:30) Committee on Women in the University annual report (co-chair, Marah Curtis) 
5.(1:45) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
6.(2:00) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Lauren Heller) 
7.(2:30 ) Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer People in the University (LBTQPiU) combined annual report (chair, Chris Barcelos)
8. (no earlier than 2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters, committee appointments
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for October 14, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 7, 2019 
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.Review the University Lectures annual report
6.(1:40)  Dean of the Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
7.(2:00)  Provost update (Karl Scholz)
8.(2:30)  Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning (Steve Cramer)
9.(3:00) Extension integration update (Casey Nagy)
 Agenda for October 7, 2019
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
Absent: Campagnola
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 30, 2019 
4.(1:30) Wisconsin Union (Mark Guthier)
5.(2:00) Vice Chancellor for Faculty and Staff update (Michael Bernard-Donals) 
6.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
7.(no later than 3:00) Adjournment

September 2019

 Agenda for September 30, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, 
Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 23, 2019 
4.(1:30) University Curriculum Committee annual report (Kreg Gruben, Michelle Young)
5.Review Faculty Senate draft agenda
6. (2:00) Vice Chancellor for University Relations (Charlie Hoslet)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. 
9.(3:00) Associate Vice Chancellor for Research Policy and Integrity: outside activities reporting (Brian Fox)
 Agenda for September 23, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences.  Note the later start time
2.Announcements and updates
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 16, 2019 
4.Review Faculty Senate draft agenda.
5.(1:40) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Steve Ackerman)
6.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8.Honorary Degree award cycle. 
9.(no earlier than 2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. 
10.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

 Agenda for September 16, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:15 p.m.) Meeting commences.  
Note that the regular meeting time for the foreseeable future will be 1:15 
2.Announcements and updates
   a.Bascom Hall fire drill (likely between 1:00-2:00) may affect the agenda times. 
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 9, 2019 
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.(1:25) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller)
6.(1:45) Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs (Lori Reesor)
7.(2:00) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (Laurent Heller)
8.(2:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. 
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
 Agenda for September 9, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1. (1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences. PLEASE NOTE THE LATER MEETING TIME
2. Announcements and updates
a. Bascom Hall fire drill 9/16—change in UC meeting location likely
b. Our Shared Future plaque is in Bascom, near the Office of Student Affairs suite, now until the Faculty Senate October 7.
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 26, 2019
4. Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5. (1:40) Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
6. (2:00) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
7. (2:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, personnel matters.
8. Reconvene in open session to adjourn.

August 2019

Agenda for August 26, 2019 
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf 
1. (1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences. Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee assignments and searches. 
2. (1:40) Reconvene in open session.  
3. Announcements and updates 
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 19, 2019 
5. (2:00) Extension faculty and academic staff positions (Andrea Cool, Paul Roback, Ruth Schriefer) 
6. (2:30) Teaching effectiveness (Ian Robertson) 
7. (3:00) Chancellor update (Becky Blank) 
8. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments. 
9. Reconvene in open session to adjourn. 
 Agenda for August 19, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson (by phone), Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session).
2.Announcements and updates
CWU trend report
Land recognition 
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 29, 2019
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.(1:45) VC for Student Affairs update (Lori Reesor)
6.(2:00) Provost update (Karl Scholz)
7.(2:30) Chancellor update (Becky Blank)
8.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
9.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
The next meeting of the UW-Madison University Committee will be Monday, August 26, 2019.
The University Committee will not meet on Monday, September 2, 2019 (Labor Day).
Weekly University Committee meetings resume Monday, September 9, 2019.

July 2019

Agenda for July 29, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair)
UC member expected absent: Wolf
[1:00 PM: PROFS Board of Directors meeting]
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session).
2.Announcements and updates
Review annual shared governance letter
Review external Senate survey instrument
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 08, 2019
4.(1:45) Provost update (Jim Henderson)
5.(no earlier than 2:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments, grievance.
6.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
The next meeting of the UW-Madison University Committee will be Monday, August 19, 2019.
 Agenda for July 8, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
UC member expected absent: Halverson
1.(1:30 p.m.) Meeting commences. Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
2.(1:45) Reconvene in open session.
3.Announcements and updates       
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 24, 2019
5.(2:00) Provost update (Jim Henderson)
6.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
7.Wrap-up and adjournment
The next meeting of the UW-Madison University Committee will be Monday, July 29, 2019.

June 2019

 Agenda for June 24, 2019
UC members expected present: Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
UC member expected absent: Campagnola
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences. Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
2.(1:10) Reconvene in open session.
3.Announcements and updates        
4.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 10, 2019
5.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
6.Shared governance support and organization
7.Charge to working group on practice-related titles
8.Charge to working group on promotion to full 
9.(1:30) Provost update (Jim Henderson)
10.(2:00) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims) 
11.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
12.Wrap-up and adjournment
 Agenda for June 10, 2019
UC members expected present: Campagnola, Halverson, Sandgren, Ventura, Warfield (chair), Wolf
1.(1:00 p.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
2.Announcements and updates     
3.Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 20, 2019
4.Legislative update (Jack O’Meara, PROFS)
5.Guidance for probationary faculty
6.Working group on practice-related titles
7.Working group on promotion to full professor
8.(1:45) Athletic Board update (Pete Miller) 
9.(2:15) Extension merger update (Casey Nagy)
10.(2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11.(no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers, committee assignments.
12.Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
The next meeting of the UW-Madison University Committee will be Monday, June 24, 2019.

KeywordsUniversity Committee reports uc list Student affairs   Doc ID132116
OwnerJenny S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2023-10-16 12:10:13Updated2024-02-15 13:21:10
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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