Email Tips and Best Practices

This document will provide a list of tips and best practices for composing email messages to be sent to various preceptors, students, and others who are associated with the School of Pharmacy.

Please keep in mind the following suggestions when composing email messages to those without email addresses:

  • Try to keep message text short and concise. A good target is usually two to three paragraphs.  It can be difficult for people to read long messages.
  • Avoid excessive use of HTML formatting.  Limit bolditalics, and others to places where you need to emphasize a word or phrase.
  • Avoid text with color.  People with visual difficulties may not be able to read your colorized text in certain circumstances.
  • Avoid using ALL UPPERCASE LETTERS for words and sentences.  Readers often interpret this as SHOUTING, even if you meant to only emphasize or draw attention to the text.  However, use of all uppercase letters for acronyms is acceptable.
  • Limit the use of HTML links in your message.  Messages with a lot of links could be interpreted as malicious by some email systems. 
  • Similarly, avoid sending PDF, Word, and other documents as attachments.  Certain email systems can interpret attachments as malicious and may reject your message.  One alternative could be to use a pharmacy website to house the items you would otherwise like to share as an attachment and then use one link to that web page in your email.  Contact IIT if you require help setting this up.
  • Avoid using the High Importance tag.
  • Review the message text for spelling and grammar errors.  Outlook will put a red wavy (spelling) or blue double (grammar) line under words it thinks are misspelled or misused.  Many email systems and people have been trained to identify spelling or grammatical errors as malicious.
  • Consider the time of day that you are sending the email. Avoid off hours.

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John D. in Pharmacy IIT
School of Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy Instructional & Information Technology