CHM HR - HRS for Supervisors: Approving Time & Absence
Supervisors Approving Time & Absence
UW Knowledge Base Page for HRS : Payable Time Approvals
APPROVE your employees' hours in HRS BY 4:00 PM ON THE MONDAY FOLLOWING THE END OF THE BIWEEKLY PAY CYCLE. Although reminders are sent to supervisors, best practice is to schedule a reminder every other Monday so you don't miss the deadline.
Please review the Approving Time and Absence on the MSS Dashboard video for a quick overview of the process.
Note that the HRS system is NOT flexible about late entry and approval of hours. Late entry or late approval of hours in HRS WILL result in the employee's pay being delayed by two weeks.
Approving Time Approving Absence
The Manager Self Service (MSS) Time and Absence Dashboard is a one stop shop for managers to review approve pending time and absence requests for their direct reports in an efficient and timely manner. Managers who are set up as an approver or backup approver on at least one active employee's TL security page will automatically have access to the MSS Time and Absence Dashboard.
Approving Time
- Log into your MyUW portal
- Access the Manager Time and Approval Tile and click on the Time/Absence Dashboard icon
- By default, the Selection Criteria will include the default Time Reporting Group and the current pay period being processed
- Criteria in the selection criteria pagelet defaults from the Manager's TL Group ID(s).
- Note: to change the default information such as the Time Reporting Group, see KB Creating Custom MSS Time Management User Preferences in HRS
- Reminder: you should also check prior periods for any time you may have adusted from a previous pay period
- Reminder: you should also check prior periods for any time you may have adusted from a previous pay period
- Select Get Employees. Now you should be able to see your employees at the bottom of your screen with their total payable time (about 5 columns over)
- By default, the screen will only displau the first 10 requests, click View All to load all pending time to one list
- You can apply a filter to see only certain categories of time reporting codes (TRC)
- Now, you have two choices
- You can either hit the Select All button and then Approve, and you are done. (It will ask you if you are sure, hit Yes then OK)
- Or, if you would like to see the details of an employee's hours and days, click on their name and then Adjust Reported Time. You can change, approve, or deny their times from here if you want based upon the date earned. Click submit to save the changes.
- To approve or deny payable time, click the checkbox(es) next to the individuals and click the appropriate button. Once the request has been approved or denied, the request(s) will be removed from the list.
- Example: Hourly Punch Timesheet
- Example: Elapsed Timesheet
- Example: Hourly Punch Timesheet
Pending Approvals Outside Criteria in the Selection Criteria Pagelet
A red warning icon will appear at the bottom of the pagelet if you have pending time approvals that do not fall within the criteria in the Selection Criteria.
- Change the end/start date in selection criteria
- Click the Refresh button
- Select the employee(s) who are pending approval and either Allow or Deny their time
Additional Resources - Time Approval
Approving Time and Absences on the Dashboard (video)
Selection Criteria on the Dashboard
Managing the Time and Absense MSS Dashboard in HRS
Approving Absence (Leave Reports)
- Access your MyUW portal
- Navigate to the Manager Time and Approval tile and select Approve Absence
- By default the Selection Criteria will include the default Time Reporting group and the current pay period being processed. Criteria can be changed or additional fields can be used to filter on different information, such as name or department.
- Criteria in the Selection Criteria pagelet defaults from the Manager's TL Group ID(s)
- Note: to see other time reporter groups that you are responsible/backup for, click the magnifying glass
- The page will initially show all pending absence requests for both salaried and hourly employees, regardless of the date range in the Selection Criteria
- By default the screen will only display the first 10 requests, click View All to load all absences to one list
- By default the screen will only display the first 10 requests, click View All to load all absences to one list
- Click the check box(es) next to the individuals and select approve
- Note: if an employee has a warning icon in the alerts column, this indicates that the abensence request excees their available balance. This does not prevent the approval from processing. Managers should follow existing business practices when an absence request exceeds an employee's available balance
- Note: if an employee has a warning icon in the alerts column, this indicates that the abensence request excees their available balance. This does not prevent the approval from processing. Managers should follow existing business practices when an absence request exceeds an employee's available balance
- To review additional information, including hours balance or to enter a comment, click on the individual's name
- Once the request has been approved, the entry wiill be removed automatically from the list
For more information, please view this page on Approving Absence (Manager) in HRS.
Pushing Back a Request
- Click the employees name
- Enter a comment with reason for push back
- Click the Push Back button
Additional Resources - Absence Approval
Approving Time and Absence MSS Dashboard video
Selection Criteria on the Dashboard
Absence Request on the Dashboard
Payable Time Approvals on the Dashboard
Payable Time Summary on the Dashboard
Request Absence - on Behalf of Employee
Approving an Absence (Manager) in HRS
Reviewing and Approving Time and Absence Exceptions in HRS
Report Absences Including No Leave Taken
Summer Leave Reporting (Summer Service/Session)
Still feel like you need assistance with approving time or absence?