Communications Committee Agenda 11-01-23
Academic Staff Communications Committee
Monthly Meeting Agenda
November 1, 2023 at 9 a.m.
Microsoft Teams
2023-24 ASCC Members: Mary Ellen Gabriel, Stuart Henn, Sarina Lotlikar, Christy Lowney, Faye Lux, Pamela O’Donnell, Karla Weber Wandel, Miranda Winkelman Liaison: Nola Walker
- Cornerstone Issue 1
- Sent 09/26
- 26% open rate and 5% click through rate
- The most clicked link was 100 years ago. People enjoy fun facts.
- Planning next issue
- Topic follow ups from last time
- Miranda – Partners in Giving draft
- Faye – Winter activities draft
- Mary Ellen – Short blurb for Academic staff nominations due January 30.
- Topic Ideas
- Pay increases – do we need to cover anything?
- Acronym quiz – does not need to be comprehensive?
- Shared governance in schools/colleges – do we have any takers?
- Committee feature - Stuart wrote about mentoring committee last time.
- Did we get any submissions on this form? Who owns the form – can they share with group.
- Topic follow ups from last time
- Timeline
- Winter commencement is 12/17. We should aim to get Cornerstone out between December 4 and December 15
- Next meetings
- Thursday, November 9, 3 p.m. (extra meeting to work on newsletter)
- Monday, November 20, 1 p.m. (regularly scheduled meeting)
- Tuesday, December 19, 9 a.m. (should we try to do an indoor social this week?)