Web Hosting - PHP Settings and Limits
This documents the default PHP.ini settings for PHP application pools for DoIT Web Hosting LAMP customers and policy for increases.
You can see the default values for PHP via Plesk and/or by using PHP Info.
Default settings can be adjusted upon request but performance settings can only be increased so far due to the nature of shared hosting.
Performance and security settings
- memory_limit
- max_execution_time
- max_input_time
- post_max_size
- upload_max_filesize
- opcache.enable
- disable_functions
Common settings
- include_path
- session.save_path
- mail.force_extra_parameters
- open_basedir
- error_reporting
- display_errors
- log_errors
- allow_url_fopen
- file_uploads
- short_open_tag
PHP-FPM settings (If PHP is running as FPM application)
- pm.max_children
- pm.max_requests
- pm
- pm.start_servers
- pm.min_spare_servers
- pm.max_spare_servers
For WordPress sites, there are options for plugins that break the files into smaller pieces, and the use of CDNs, SecureFTP, also provide alternatives.
Please contact webhosting@doit.wisc.edu with a description requirement and assistance in the adjustments to your PHP.ini settings in Plesk.