Platform X: Software Available on VM

Standard Research Software on VM

All Platform X VMs are delivered with the following software


Note: In addition to the standard software, the following System Administration Tools and Packages either come embedded within the Operating System or are installed by default

    • curl
    • default-jdk
    • default-jre
    • git
    • htop
    • python (3.x)
    • tmux
    • vim
    • wget
    • xrdp

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Additional Software Available

Below is listed some of the available software options for your virtual machine. If you have a Platform X account, you can view a more complete list through the Control Panel (Service Catalog > VM Software Catalog). If a package indicates that it is not available for your OS of choice, please talk to us; if supported, we can add that capability for you.

Current software catalog
Software Windows Linux  
3D Slicer No Yes
7-zip Yes  Yes
anaconda Yes No Available as a self install
miniconda Yes Yes Available as a self install
ArcGIS Enterprise No Yes
ArcGIS Pro Yes No  
ArcGIS StreetMap Premium Yes No
AzCopy (Ubuntu) No Yes
Azure CLI (Ubuntu) No Yes
Azure Data Studio Yes Yes
Azure Storage Explorer Yes Yes
Chrome Yes Yes  
BGInfo Yes No
Bruno Yes No
Chocolatey Yes No
Cisco Secure Endpoint Yes Yes
Conky No Yes
dos2unix No Yes
Edge Yes No
emacs No Yes
Firefox Yes Yes
FreeSurfer No Yes
FSL No Yes
Git for Windows Yes No
Huggingface Hosted Models Yes Yes AI models that can be used
imagej Yes Yes
Java Azul Zulu Yes No
Java Open JDK 11 No Yes
Jupyter Notebook Yes Yes  
JupyterLab Yes Yes
LibreOffice No Yes Microsoft Office equivalent for Linux
libsecret No Yes
make2010 Yes No
Microsoft Office Yes No
Microsoft Power BI Yes No
mricon No Yes
ncdu No Yes
notepad++ Yes No
NVIDIA GPU Driver Yes Yes
octexplorer Yes No
orange Yes No
perl Yes Yes
pgAdmin Yes Yes
Prometheus Node Exporter (Ubuntu) No Yes
Prometheus Node Exporter (Windows) Yes No
PyCharm Yes Yes
Python 3 Yes Yes
qgis Yes Yes
qualys Yes Yes
R Yes Yes
RStudio Desktop Yes Yes
SAS Yes No
Sqitch No Yes
sqlite3 No Yes
Stat/Transfer Yes No
Stata Yes Yes
tomcat No Yes
tree No Yes
VSCode (Ubuntu) No Yes
VSCode (Windows) Yes No
xrdp No Yes

The software I need isn't part of the current software catalog. Can I get it added?

If your project needs software not yet part of our software catalog, there may be some opportunities where we can work with you to get that installed. As Platform X is a protected environment, you have limited ability to install software yourselves. To have software evaluated please complete the steps below. Note that new software requests are not able to be guaranteed and can take up to several months to be evaluated.

  1. Reach out to to evaluate the safety of the proposed software.
  2. Contact the Platform X support team via the: Platform X Support portal with the below information.
    1. Name and version of software (please indicate if version is flexible).
    2. Verification from the security team that this software is safe to install.
    3. Importance of your use of this software in your research (critical to central aim of research v. nice to have).
    4. Scale of use of this software within your research (whole lab will be using v. one specialist will be using).

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Installing Conda on Windows or Linux

 Not sure if you need Miniconda or Anaconda? Check out conda documentation for how to choose.


  1. Navigate to Miniconda Downloads or Anaconda Downloads on a browser locally (not vm)
  2. Find the version you wish to install, for this example we will used Windows 64-bit. Right click on the Miniconda for Windows 64-bit link and select copy link address
  3. Open a browser on your VM and paste the copy linked address into the address bar and press return.
  4. Once downloaded, navigate to the file and open
  5. Select the defaults and choose install
  6. Once installation is complete deselect the Getting Started checkboxes and select next and finish.


  1. Download the installer:
    - Miniconda installer for Linux
    - Anaconda installer for Linux

  2. In your terminal window, run:





  3. Follow the prompts on the installer screens. If you are unsure about any setting, accept the defaults. You can change them later.

  4. To make the changes take effect, close and then re-open your terminal window.

  5. Test your installation. In your terminal window or Anaconda Prompt, run the command
    conda list
    A list of installed packages appears if it has been installed correctly.

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Help with VM software

If you're having issues starting software, please open a request in our service portal. Sorry, we cannot instruct you on the proper use of the software.

[Link for document 119988 is unavailable at this time]

SMPH, PlatformX, Virtual Machine, software 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Niecia H. in SMPH Research Informatics
SMPH Research Informatics