WebCheckout - How To - Renew a Checkout
How to renew a checkout in Webecheckout from the patron portal. During a term a patron can receive up to 70 days with an item(s) (nine renewals). For laptops only, patrons are able to checkout a laptop for up to 105 days (14 renewals). After that the item(s) must be returned. Please note, as of now we do not allow renewals for iPads.
How to renew a checkout in Webcheckout
- Login to Webcheckout at Patron Portal (webcheckout.net) using your NetID and password.
- Under the “Home” tab click on “Current Checkouts”. This will bring up all items that are currently checked out to you.
- This will bring up all items that are currently checked out to you. Click on the “CK-xxxxx”
- Under the “Actions” tab click on the “Renew CK-xxxxx”
- Change the date and potentially time to the new desired return date. Click on the green checkmark to the right when satisfied.
- You can click the drop down arrow next to "Reservation has errors" at the top for more information on the specific error. A common error is that the return time is when a location is closed, too fix this please switch to a time the checkout location is open. To check the location hours click on the “Centers Calendar” button on the left side. Each renewal cannot be longer than 7 days. If that does not satisfy the error, reach out to technologycirculation@library.wisc.edu with as much information as possible.
- At the top of the screen there will be a green ribbon that says “Ready to Save”, click on the save button on the far right side to submit your renewal.
- To confirm the renewal worked, check the end date under “Scheduled Return”, see the green banner that pops up in the top right corner that says “Checkout has been renewed.”, or check your email for an updated return time.