Departmental Logo Usage Requirements - Policy

​​This policy establishes minimum requirements for representing UW–Madison’s brand on items produced for the Division of Extension.​ 


Rationale/Purpose of the Policy 

This policy establishes minimum requirements for representing UW–Madison’s brand on items produced for the Division of Extension. 


W Crest departmental logo (“departmental logo”): This refers to the W Crest with a custom wordmark available for department use. Using a W Crest departmental logo establishes a clear, credible, and universally recognizable connection to UW–Madison. 


This policy applies to items produced for the Division of Extension.

Policy Details

A W Crest departmental logo must be present on all items produced for the Division of Extension. You may download Extension’s departmental logo via the logo generator. Versions of the logo with county names are available and may be used to satisfy this requirement. 

Individual units may request a custom W Crest departmental logo, which may be used to satisfy this requirement. Units that wish to have a departmental logo created should contact the Office of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement (see Policy Contact). 

Other custom logos (i.e., logos that do not contain the W Crest or Extension wordmark ) that already exist may continue to be used but must be used in conjunction with Extension’s departmental logo to satisfy this requirement. 

UW–Madison logos are protected by trademark licensing and must adhere to usage standards that maintain the integrity of the brand. 

Additional Guidance

Internal Co-Branding

Multiple W Crest logos should never appear together. If several UW units are co-sponsors or partners, use Extension’s departmental logo and list the names of the other units with UW brand fonts. 

External Co-Branding

You must include Extension’s departmental logo and may include the external organization’s logo. The UW logo must appear with equal prominence and be clearly spaced apart. 


Which items are affected by this policy?

This policy applies to print items intended for external use. This includes booklets, brochures, forms, envelopes, cards, fliers, posters, tickets, letterheads, newsletters, business cards, custom textbooks, and course packets.

This policy also applies to promotional goods and apparel, which must be produced and purchased through a licensed vendor.

What about existing print items that don’t satisfy this requirement?

Use up what you already have, then update the file when you are ready to print more copies. Update any PDFs shared digitally at your convenience.

Do I need to add Extension’s departmental logo to my email signature?

It is not a requirement, although you may choose to do so. University Marketing has email signature best practices.

Does it matter which version of Extension’s departmental logo I use?

Using any version of Extension’s departmental logo (or custom W Crest departmental logo) satisfies this requirement. Readability should always be a priority — for instance, use the reverse logo (with white text) over a dark background.

What about using a Crest-only logo?

Extension’s W Crest departmental logo (or custom W Crest departmental logo) must be used to satisfy this requirement. The Crest-only logo may be used as an additional design element.

Where can I find the W Crest logos?

All W Crest departmental logos may be downloaded via the logo generator.

Do I need to create a custom W Crest departmental logo for my department/unit?

It is not a requirement, although you may choose to do so to satisfy the logo requirement. Units that wish to create a custom W Crest departmental logo should contact the Office of Communications and Stakeholder Engagement (see Policy Contact).

May I use the W Crest logo without the “University of Wisconsin–Madison” line of the wordmark?

In limited circumstances, with size constraints, it may be acceptable to keep “Extension” (or the department/unit name) and remove the “University of Wisconsin–Madison” line of the wordmark. For approval, contact University Marketing.

Extension is one of several UW–Madison co-sponsors for an event. How should our logos appear on event materials?

Multiple W Crest logos should never appear together. Use Extension’s departmental logo and list the names of the other units with UW brand fonts.

Where can I find more resources and guidance on logo usage?

Logo Usage Guidelines

Related UW–Madison Policies

Related Documents

Policy Administration

Approval Authority


Policy Manager

Matthew Call, Communications Director 

Policy Contact(s)

Policy Contact(s)
Communications Specialist 
Luke Verdecchia 

Policy History

policy history
Policy History

Effective Date


Next Review


Brand W Crest wordmark 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Matthew C. in Extension Handbook
Extension Handbook