SMPH IT Knowledge Base : Battery Health Status Check - Dell Laptop

Created by Adrian Gay, last modified on Feb 10, 2022

In situations where the battery on your Dell laptop does not hold a charge, or battery life seems short.  Use the below instructions to perform a quick battery health status check in the BIOS.

  • Starting from the computer being powered off, turn on the computer and immediately start repeatedly tapping the F2 key

- When you see the text "preparing to enter setup..." (upper right corner), that is when you can stop tapping F2. 

- You should be in the BIOS menu shortly after that.

  • Once in the BIOS Menu, look under Settings - General, select Battery Information.

- Verify the battery health information as shown in the screenshot below.

Screenshot of battery health status in the BIOS

  • Report the finding to your IT department. 

- If needed, the battery can be replaced under warranty (if laptop is new enough)


- A departmental purchase can be made through the Shop@UW+ Dell punchout.

Also see:

How to Check Battery Health Status on Dell Laptops

Keywordssmph it knowledge base battery health status check dell laptop   Doc ID134142
OwnerIsaac W.GroupSMPH
Created2024-01-16 15:23:21Updated2024-09-03 08:17:42
SitesSchool of Medicine and Public Health
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