Firefox: Bookmarks backup and restore

Instructions on how to backup and restore bookmarks in Firefox


  • Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  • In the Library window, click the Import and Backup button and then select Backup….

FireFox library window. from the import and backup dropdown, the backup button is selected

  • In the Bookmarks backup filename window that opens, choose a location to save the file, which is named bookmarks-"date".json by default. The desktop is usually a good spot, but any place that is easy to remember will work.
  • Save the bookmarks json file. The Bookmarks backup filename window will close and then you can close the Library window.


  • Click the menu button Fx89menuButton to open the menu panel. Click Bookmarks and then click the Manage bookmarks bar at the bottom.
  • In the Library window, click the Import and Backup button and then select Restore.

firefox library window. from the imiport and backup dropdown, the restore menu is expanded and th choose file button is hilighted

  • Browse to the location, where you saved the bookmarks (JSON) backup file to, then click Open

File explorer window with the json file hilighted

  • A message should pop-up "This will replace all of your current bookmarks with the backup. Are you sure?" Since you likely have not saved any new bookmarks yet, click OK.
    • Note: If you have existing bookmarks on a computer, and you do not want to overwrite them (only add to them), use the Import/Export Bookmarks from HTML… (.html rather than the .json) backup file method. (see links at bottom of page)

revert bookmarks pop up window stating that all of the current bookmarks will be replaced. there are 2 buttons. ok or cancel

  • The Bookmarks should now be restored, and available in the browser.

Also see:

Export Firefox bookmarks to an HTML file to back up or transfer bookmarks

Restore bookmarks from backup or move them to another computer

smph it knowledge base bookmarks backup restore firefox browser fire fox book marks 
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Owned by:
Adrian G. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health