FLUXX Cache Menu of the Admin Panel

Created by David Sampoli, last modified on Jun 06, 2022

The Cache menu is likely the least used of the Admin Panel. This article will be very short as there is not much to know about/do with the Cache menu.

Before you go on...

Fluxx has a good, short article discussing the Cache Menu. Please see that article here: https://fluxxdev.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/1/article/1808040450?src=957152491

Cache Menu

There's not much to do from the Cache Menu. The only thing you should ever need to do here is use the Clear Cache button in specific circumstances (see below). See the screenshot below for highlighted items and beneath the screen for explanations of said items.

FLUXX cache tab hilighted on the left menu bar numbered one, and the refresh or clear cache buttons hilighted and numbered two

  1. Box # 1: Shows the Cache menu as currently selected.
  2. Box # 2: Shows the Refresh and the Clear Cache buttons.
    1. You should ONLY click on Clear Cache when:
      1. You are receiving an [Object object] error anywhere on your form.

      2. You are having trouble with missing fields that are expected on a view of the record.

    2. Once you've cleared the Cache, you should test to see if this resolved your issue. Note: Refreshing the cache will give you an updated list of statistics that are shown in this section of the admin panel, so you can do this after you Clear the Cache.


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smph it knowledge base cache menu of the admin panel 
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Isaac W. in SMPH
School of Medicine and Public Health