AV - WSB - Wireless Video Sharing (BYOD)

This page contains instructions for using the wireless connection option for the AV systems in the following rooms: 1175, 1195,1266, 1310, 2165, 2167, 2210M, 2210N, 2210R, 2210S, 2210U, 2270, 2280, 2335, 2339, 2510, 2520, 3180, 3190, 3335, and 3560

Upon arriving at the room, power on the AV system from the control panel on the podium. Once you've done so, select the "Wireless Connection" option on the touch panel. The following instructions will be displayed. 

Cynap Instructions Page

To briefly reiterate the directions:

  • Select the Wireless Connection option on the AV control panel on the podium
  • Connect to UW Madison Wifi
  • Bring up the Screen Mirroring or Casting menu on your device 
    • Windows Key + K on a Windows Device
    • Screen Mirroring or Airplay on a Mac or iOS device - make sure your bluetooth is turned on
  • Find the Device Name that matches your room number in the list of connection options and select it
  • A PIN box will appear on your device, and a PIN will appear on the projection screen in the room, enter that PIN and connect

If you run into any issues performing this process in a classroom, you can call 608-265-3111 for immediate support or email support@wsb.wisc.edu if you do not need immediate support. 

AV, Wireless, Connection, Video, Audio, Wolfvision, Cynap 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
James F. in Wisconsin School of Business
Wisconsin School of Business