CHM HR - 2024 Pay Schedule with Entry Dates
The biweekly pay period starts on a Sunday and runs until the next week's Saturday. There are a few key dates to keep in mind during each pay period:
- Best practice is to enter time and/or leave as it occurs
- Time and/or leave hours must be submitted by 4:00PM on the second Friday in the current pay period (third column) or every other Friday
- Approvals by supervisors are completed on the Monday following the end of the prior pay period (fourth column) or every other Monday
- Time and leave hours that are not approved by supervisors or otherwise handled by CHM HR by 9:00AM of the Wednesday following the end of the current pay period will not be recorded and paid until the following pay period
- Paychecks are sent out (or electronically direct-deposited) on the Thursday of the second week following the end of the current pay period
Employees - Listed below are CHM's department dates for time and/or leave entry. You may want to add these dates to your calendar as a reminder to enter your time/leave for each pay period.
Supervisors - Listed below are CHM's department dates for time and/or leave approvals. You may want to add these dates to your calendar as a reminder to approve time/leave for each pay period.
Best practice is to enter your time/leave as it is occurs but please enter your time for the pay period no later than the time/leave entry dates listed below.
2024 Pay Schedule |
Pay Period | Pay Period | Time and/or Leave Entry Date | Supervisor Approval Date | Pay Date |
January A |
12/31/24 - 01/13/24 | 01/12/24 | 01/15/24 | 01/25/24 |
January B |
01/14/24 - 01/27/24 | 01/26/24 | 01/29/24 | 02/08/24 |
February A |
01/28/24 - 02/10/24 | 02/09/24 | 02/12/24 | 02/22/24 |
February B |
02/11/24 - 02/24/24 | 02/23/24 | 02/26/24 | 03/07/24 |
March A |
02/25/24 - 03/09/24 | 03/08/24 | 03/11/24 | 03/21/24 |
March B |
03/10/24 - 03/23/24 | 03/22/23 | 03/25/24 | 04/04/24 |
April A |
03/24/24 - 04/06/24 | 04/05/24 | 04/08/24 | 04/18/24 |
April B |
04/07/24 - 04/20/24 | 04/19/24 | 04/22/24 | 05/02/24 |
May A |
04/21/24 - 05/04/24 | 05/03/24 | 05/06/24 | 05/16/24 |
May B |
05/05/24 - 05/18/24 | 05/17/24 | 05/20/24 | 05/30/24 |
June A |
05/19/24 - 06/01/24 | 05/31/24 | 06/03/24 | 06/13/24 |
June B |
06/02/24 - 06/15/24 | 06/14/24 | 06/17/24 | 06/27/24 |
June C | 06/16/24 - 06/29/24 | 06/28/24 | 07/01/24 | 07/11/24 |
July A |
06/30/24 - 07/13/24 | 07/12/24 | 07/15/24 | 07/25/24 |
July B |
07/14/24 - 07/27/24 | 07/26/24 | 07/29/24 | 08/08/24 |
August A |
07/28/24 - 08/10/24 | 08/09/24 | 08/12/24 | 08/22/24 |
August B |
08/11/24 - 08/24/24 | 08/23/24 | 08/26/24 | 09/05/24 |
September A |
08/25/24 - 09/07/24 | 09/06/24 | 09/09/24 | 09/19/24 |
September B |
09/08/24 - 09/21/24 | 09/20/24 | 09/23/24 | 10/03/24 |
October A |
09/22/24 - 10/05/24 | 10/04/24 | 10/07/24 | 10/17/24 |
October B |
10/06/24 - 10/19/24 | 10/18/24 | 10/21/24 | 10/31/24 |
November A |
10/20/24 - 11/02/24 | 11/01/24 | 11/04/24 | 11/14/24 |
November B |
11/03/24 - 11/16/24 | 11/15/24 | 11/18/24 | 11/27/24 |
November C |
11/17/24 - 11/30/24 | 11/29/24 | 12/02/24 | 12/12/24 |
December A |
12/01/24 - 12/14/24 | 12/13/24 | 12/16/24 | 12/26/24 |
December B |
12/15/24 - 12/28/24 | 12/27/24 | 12/30/24 | 01/09/25 |
January A |
12/29/24 - 01/11/25 | 01/10/24 | 01/13/24 | 01/23/25 |