About the Middleton Building

General information and helpful resources for staff working in the Middleton Building.

Building Contacts

The Facilities Planning and Management Building Contact list includes building and facility managers for all of UW-Madison's buildings and facilities.

Building Address

1305 Linden Drive, Madison, WI 53706



The elevator (100H, 200H, 300H) is centrally located on each floor of the building.

To access it from main level or the first floor, enter through doors S01 and S02 or door E01.

See map below.

Route to elevator.

Single-user ADA Accessible Toilet Rooms

Two single-user ADA accessible toilet rooms are located on the third floor of the building.

They are Room 309 and Room 321.

See map below.

Route to ADA accessible toilet rooms

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

For assistance in developing a personal emergency evacuation plan, employees should contact the DoIT Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) at doithrmedical@doit.wisc.edu.

AED Defibrillator & First Aid Supplies

First floor: An AED defibrillator and first aid supplies are located in the main lobby near the stairwell.

Picture of first-aid box on first floor.

Second floor: First aid supplies are located on the wall of the main hallway near the stairwell.

Picture of first-aid box on second floor.

Third floor: First aid supplies are located on the wall by the front desk near the fire extinguisher and stairwell.

Picture of first-aid box on third floor.

If you notice that first-aid supplies are missing or need to be refilled, please email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu.

Building Hours and Access

Building Hours During Academic Year

Monday through Thursday: 7:45 AM to 8:00 PM (3rd floor is card access only)

Friday: 7:45 AM to 5:00 PM (3rd floor is card access only)

Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED

Loading Dock Hours

Monday through Thursday: 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM

Friday: 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED

Building Access

To request building access for a staff member, please email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu and provide the following:

  • Their first and last name,
  • The first 6 numbers under the magnetic stripe on the back of their UW Wiscard,
  • And the building access needed.

You will receive a reply confirming that access has been granted.

If a staff member has left your office, you can also email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu to have their access removed.

Adjust Building Hours

To request adjusted building hours for a student event, please email the UW-Police Department (UWPD) Access Control Office at access@uwpd.wisc.edu

Provide them with the following:

  • The name of the event,
  • Date of the event,
  • And the adjusted building hours requested.

Please cc building.manager@doit.wisc.edu on the email.

UWPD Access Control will reply confirming they have received your request and that the building hours will be adjusted.

Conference Room Reservations

Helpful Resource

Room 102

Picture of Conference Room 102

Available for use Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Seats 14 plus extra chairs
1 Whiteboard
Cisco hybrid meeting room equipment

To reserve Room 102 during available hours, please email newstudent@studentlife.wisc.edu and provide the following information:

Name of Host and/or Event
Date of Meeting
Meeting Start and End Time
Number of People in Attendance

You will receive an email reply confirming the room has been reserved.

Room 120

Picture of Conference Room 120

Available for use Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Seats 18 plus extra chairs

To reserve Room 120 during available hours, please email newstudent@studentlife.wisc.edu and provide the following information:

Name of Host and/or Event
Date of Meeting
Meeting Start and End Time
Number of People in Attendance

You will receive an email reply confirming the room has been reserved.

Room 302

Picture of Conference Room 302

Available for use Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Seats 16 plus extra chairs
4 Whiteboards
Cisco hybrid meeting room equipment
Projection Screen

To reserve Room 302 during available hours, please email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu 1-2 days in advance and provide the following information: 

Name of Host and/or Event
Date of Meeting
Meeting Start and End Time
Number of People in Attendance

You will receive an email reply and calendar invitation confirming the room has been reserved.

Room 304

Picture of Conference Room 304

Available for use Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Seats 10 plus extra chairs
2 Whiteboards
Cisco hybrid meeting room equipment

To reserve Room 304 during available hours, please email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu 1-2 days in advance and provide the following information: 

Name of Host and/or Event
Date of Meeting
Meeting Start and End Time
Number of People in Attendance

You will receive an email reply and calendar invitation confirming the room has been reserved.

Room 319 (Huddle Room)

Image of huddle room with small desk, monitor, keyboard, and an extra chair.

Available for use Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM

Seats 1 plus an extra chair

No reservation is needed for Room 319. Can be used for private meetings, sensitive conversations or as a quiet workspace.

Deliveries and Mail


  • Amazon, Staples, and Shop UW orders are typically delivered to Room B119 in the basement of the building. You will find them sitting on the table next to the SWAP bin.

 Picture of delivery table for mail.

  • Fed Ex and UPS orders are typically delivered to the room noted in the delivery address.
  • Packages may also be left on the table in the front lobby of the building.

Picture of delivery table in front lobby.

Interdepartmental Mail

Pick-up and Delivery Schedule

  • Outgoing Interdepartmental Mail is picked up Monday through Friday at approximately 1:30 PM.
  • Mail is delivered in the afternoon Monday through Friday.

United States (U.S.) Postal Mail

  • U.S. Postal Mail is picked up from and delivered to Room B119 in the basement of the Middleton Building.
  • Outgoing U.S. Postal Mail Includes addressed envelopes and packages with postage or Department Billing Slips.
  • For more information about Postal Mail click here.

Pick-up and Delivery Schedule

  • Outgoing U.S. Postal Mail is picked up Monday through Friday at approximately 12:30 PM.
  • Mail is delivered in the afternoon Monday through Friday.

 Picture of mailboxes in basement.

Emergency Preparedness


BadgerSAFE Safety App

UW-Madison Police Department - Staying Safe

DoIT Safety Tips Sheet

Snow and ice removal 101

Occupant Emergency Plan for Middleton Building 

  • Outside Assembly Point - University Ave Ramp, Lot 20
  • Off-site Shelter Facility - School of Social Work Building, 1350 University Ave
  • Areas of Rescue Assistance (ARA)
    • Next to stairwell doors
    • Next to elevator

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan

For assistance in developing a personal emergency evacuation plan, employees should contact the DoIT Divisional Disability Representative (DDR) at doithrmedical@doit.wisc.edu.

SWAP (Surplus With A Purpose)

SWAP accepts reusable, repairable, or salvageable surplus property from UW-Madison divisions, departments, and offices.

To learn more about services provided to UW-Madison departments click here.

If you have questions about whether your property is suitable for redistribution through SWAP, contact swap@bussvc.wisc.edu.

Items suitable for redistribution through SWAP should be brought to the labeled area in Room B119 in the basement of the Middleton Building.

Picture of SWAP area.

Wellness/Nursing Room

Room 328 A

Image of wellness room with couch, side table, and mini fridge

The Wellness Room is located in the back of the third floor suite off of the kitchenette.

It has a couch, refrigerator and a locking door with a sign that notes if the room is in use.

Work Order Requests

If you notice something in the building that needs attention or repair, please email building.manager@doit.wisc.edu.

  • Elevator
  • Heating or cooling concerns
  • Pest or rodent control
  • Bathroom maintenance
  • Electrical work, replace light bulbs in attached building fixtures
  • Room projects, office remodels

Please provide the following:

     Location of concern – Please include a room number and picture if possible.
     Describe the area of concern or item in need of attention or repair.
     Best person to contact if questions or more information is needed.

You will receive a reply confirming that the message was received and a work order request was submitted.

Middleton Building, Academic Technology, PEOPLE Program, ACTS, building manager, AT, Office of Student Transition and Family Engagement, DS, Departmental Support 
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Owned by:
Allyson J. in DoIT Internal Ops
DoIT Internal Operations Team