Grade Dispute Policy
In instances in which a student disputes a grade on an assignment or in a course, the student should first address the issue with the instructor. If the student and the instructor are unable to resolve the dispute, the matter should go to the department chair (unless the chair is the instructor in question: see below). If the course in question is cross-listed, the dispute should be considered by the chair of the department that is the primary home of the course.
If MHB is the primary home, the chair shall appoint a committee of two faculty to review the matter and determine the appropriate course of action. If the committee is split, the chair will break the tie. If the chair is the instructor in question, the chair will appoint a member of the executive committee to supervise the review. This chair-designate will appoint the review committee and serve as a tiebreaker if necessary. In the event the student wishes to appeal the department’s decision, the process will escalate to the office of the SMPH dean.