Betty Blocks Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help.

Get help

  • Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.

  • Contact the Low Code Solutions support team for assistance with Betty Blocks.

Accessibility and usability barriers 

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.

Elements that break or are left out of the keyboard navigation order create barriers 

Rich text editors may be added to an app by application managers, developers, and application administrators to provide HTML markup and other rich text features to use for formatting by the application end user. These rich text editors create accessibility barriers as they appear to trap a user’s keyboard focus, and the user cannot navigate out of the text box unless they refresh the page. At this time, there are no rich text editors that are accessible and only regular multi-line text fields should be added to applications.

Additionally, buttons that launch or close modal popups do not appear to respond to keyboard or screen reader interactions. 

Low contrast indications of keyboard focus may cause barriers for people who have low vision or colorblindness

Some of the visual indications of keyboard focus or link and tab active states are low contrast and may be difficult to perceive. 

low code, betty blocks, accessibility, screen reader, keyboard 
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Leah B. in IT Accessibility and Usability
DoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability