CHM Meetings & Events - Recurring Meetings
Recurring Meetings should be posted on the Community Calendar. Topics for these meetings will be posted in the title with some details listed in the event description. If recordings are being archived they will be available via a link on the individual page for the meeting. Below is a list of the current recurring meetings posted there.
CHM and Community Meeting
On the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month respectively. All CHM Community Members are expected at CHM Meeting and all CHM and HMI Community Members are expected to attend Community Meeting.
CHM Research Meeting
Every Wednesday that someone has signed up to lead one. Never the 3rd Wednesday of the month as this time is replaced by SciLAD. See Research Meeting KB page to learn how to sign up to lead one.
CHM SciLAD (Scientific Leads and Directors)
Internal meeting of Scientific Leads and Program Directors. This meeting is invitation only. It is a chance for Scientific Leads and Directors to discuss topics important to CHM as and organization and provide feedback. The agenda for these meetings is managed by Isa Dolski. These meetings are not typically recorded.
Trainee Meeting
Mandatory for all CHM PostDocs and Grad Students. Quick check in with everyone, presenters give Research Update and/or discuss any issues that have come up. 1 presenter/wk for about 30 min. Robin Goldman facilitates these meetings.
Culture Collective Meeting
Monthly meeting that anyone can join at anytime. Culture Collective provides a forum to discuss issues around fostering a values-based work environment and sometimes planning parties. The Collective also spins off subcommittees, such as the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Roundtable.
Community Meditation
Weekly 30 minute meditations offered in person and over Zoom.
CHM Speaker Series
This series happens as often as guests can be invited and scheduled. Usually virtual, but occasionally in person.
CHM Faculty Meeting
An invite only meeting open to all faculty (core and affiliated) and research professors. The group meets about 4 times a year to discuss the research direction of CHM. Isa Dolski holds the agenda for these meetings. Recordings are not provided but a report out is published in the Community Newsletter.
Equity Advisory Council
The Equity Advisory Council is an external body of world class scholars and practitioners who are invited to provide advice to the CHMI Community (leadership, researchers, and staff) on all facets of our work through the lens of equity, inclusion and diversity. They meet roughly twice a year.