Event-Find Funding: A Session for SOHE Researchers -- April 26, 2024

This session will provide an overview of how to search for grant funding opportunities, including using resources such as UW-Madison Library's Grants Information Collection (GIC) and PIVOT.

Find Funding Opportunities for Your Research: A Session for Human Ecology Researchers

Date: Friday, April 26, 2024

Time: 9:30AM - 10:30AM

Location: 4198 Nancy Nicholas Hall

RSVP: Please let us know if you plan to attend this event registration form [UW NetID login required]

***We'll offer a Zoom option as well. Please indicate your planned attendance format (in-person or online) via the event registration form above. A Zoom link will be sent out in advance of the session.***

Session Content

We invite researchers from the School of Human Ecology to attend session to learn more about how to Find Funding for Your Research.

Ellen Jacks, from the UW Libraries, will give an overview of resources available through the UW-Madison Library's Grants Information Collection (GIC), as well as using PIVOT to search for funding opportunities in your field of research or scholarship.
We invite attendees to bring your laptop to the session. We will have time reserved at the end of the session for attendees to access their PIVOT account using UW NetID credentials, and experiment with setting up targeted searches to narrow funding opportunity search results.
Have suggestions or question for the session? Provide your suggestions for topics and/or submit questions via the event registration form.

Who should attend?

Members of the School of Human Ecology who are seeking funding opportunities to support their research.


Contact Sarah Marcotte - sarah.marcotte@wisc.edu

Finding Funding Resources

grants.gov - Search for ederal funding opportunities

research, finding, funding, opportunities, PIVOT 
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Sarah M. in School of Human Ecology
School of Human Ecology