Hybrid Course Checklist
A checklist to ensure your hybrid course is ready for students.
Hybrid Course Checklist
- Module learning objectives support your course learning outcomes.
- Activities communicate course learning outcomes and module learning objectives to students.
Learning Activities
- Learning activities have been created and structured to support a clear learning pathway.
- Learning activities are organized from lower-level to higher-level learning approaches.
- You have checked learning activities to ensure they align with and support your course learning outcomes and module learning objectives.
Teaching Approaches
- You have a variety of learning approaches planned (lecture, active learning, small group discussions, and/or individual work).
- You know how you will provide students with a conceptual framework of the goals of the class session (topics to be covered, supported course learning outcome, supported module learning objectives, and activities that will take place.
- You have identified ways of facilitating the connections between concepts.
- You have scheduled time for students to reflect, digest, and apply content before moving to a new topic.
- You have found various ways for students to ask questions and get clarification on concepts.
- You have identified resources that provide evidence of students' performance and learning behaviors.
Course Materials
- Learning materials are provided in multiple formats (print and digital).
- PowerPoint slides limit the amount of text presented on the slide.
- The font size is large enough to read, it is sans serif, and the colors provide adequate contrast.
- Slides use diagrams, tables, and graphics to represent content when appropriate.
- The course syllabus complies with campus standards and is published in Canvas.
Feedback and Assessment
- Students are aware of what and how content and learning will be assessed.
- Student feedback on their performance is planned (both formative and summative).
- You have identified activities that allow you to intervene in students' learning challenges.
Technology Support
- Students know where to get technical support for course-related technologies.
- You have reviewed the Terms of Service for any third-party applications used in your course.
Align and Debug Worksheet
- Download the Step 7: Align and Debug Activity Worksheet.