Setting up Tableau

This document explains how to add UW Madison approved preferences and icons to Tableau Desktop.

Purchase a license 

Here is information on how to request a quote through AE Business Solutions: 

Download Tableau

Download the version matching our server’s version. You can find this information here:

The download links can be found on Tableau’s website here: 

Add UW color palettes 

These palettes should be saved inside the preferences.tps file (usually, it is inside the “C:\Users\<your_user>\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Shapes\Home Page” folder). You can download the preferences file from the following public Box folder: 

Add icons 

These icons should be saved inside Tableau repository (usually, it is inside the “C:\Users\<your_user>\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Shapes\Home Page” folder). Here is where you can find the icons in the public Box folder:

KeywordsTableau   Doc ID136635
OwnerNoah L.GroupData KB
Created2024-04-08 09:34:43Updated2024-05-01 09:42:06
SitesData, Academic Planning & Institutional Research
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