Track Your Applicants' Progress Using Homepage Queries

One of the best ways to track your applicants' progress is using the Homepage Queries, which are only available to users that are designated Query Managers. In this KB document, you will find tips for how to use these queries to figure out where your applicants are in the admissions process, particularly those that are no longer in your Review Workflow Bins.

All Homepage Queries and Their Definitions

Homepage Queries are pre-built, ready-to-use queries that will pull lists of applicants that fit certain criteria. For Graduate Coordinators, Homepage Queries will be very useful for reviewing where your prospective students' applications are within the process.

In the collapsible boxes below are the list of Homepage Queries available to Query Managers as well as their definitions.

All Application Queries

If you are looking for a comprehensive list of all of your applicants in Slate, these queries will likely be the most useful:

  • All Applications (submitted and unsubmitted): This query will pull every prospective student's info in your programs, no matter where they are in the application process (even those who have a decision made by the program).
  • All Submitted Applications: This query will pull a list of all of the submitted applications your programs have received (even those who have a decision made by the program).
  • All Unsubmitted Applications: This query will pull a list of all of the unsubmitted applications that have selected your program as the intended program of study. (This list is your list of prospective applicants; they have not submitted nor paid for the application yet.)

Before Recommendation

If you are looking for a list of applicants still being reviewed by your program, these queries will likely be the most useful:

  • Applications in Awaiting Other Materials bin: This query will pull a list of applications that are specifically in the "Awaiting Other Materials Bin." This bin is a good place to store applicants that are missing information your specific program needs in order to be reviewed.
  • All submitted applications in Coordinator/Program Review Workflow: This query will pull a list of all of the applications that are currently in your Coordinator/Program Review Workflow (in other words, all of the applicants in your Bins). 

After Recommendation

If you are looking for a list of applicants that your program has reviewed and are now being reviewed by the Graduate School, these queries will likely be the most useful:

  • All recommended applications that have not been withdrawn: This query will pull a list of your students that your programs have recommended for admission minus the students who have withdrawn their application (if you are familiar with G-codes, any student who has a G60 or G61 code that did not also have a G57, G58, or G59 on their record).
  • Recommended applications needing English proficiency (G35 bin): This query will pull a list of all recommended applicants that have yet to provide proof of English proficiency (e.g., official TOEFL/IELTS scores).
  • Applicants currently in GSAR (Prosheet)  Process (G10, G05): This query will pull a list of all students who are currently in the Graduate School Approval Request (GSAR) process. 

After Admission/Denial/Withdrawal

If you are looking for a list of your admitted, denied, or withdrawn applicants, these queries will likely be the most useful:

  • All admitted applications (G11, G12, G13): This query will pull a list of each of your applicants that has been through the review process and admitted to the Graduate School, including reentry students (G12). Note that this query will also include applicants that have withdrawn after being admitted.
  • Applicants who have ACCEPTED offer of admission: This query will pull a list of all of your applicants that have been admitted and have accepted the offer of admission.
  • Applicants who have NOT RESPONDED to offer of admission: This query will pull a list of applicants that have been offered admission to your program but have not yet responded to the offer.
  • Applicants who have DENIED offer of admission: This query will pull a list of applicants that have been offered admission to your program and have denied that offer.
  • All applications no longer considered (G50, G57, G58, G59, G90): This query will pull a list of all of your applicants that are no longer being considered for admission because they withdrew themselves from consideration before being reviewed (G50), were withdrawn by the Graduate School (G57), were withdrawn by the program (G58), withdrew themselves after being recommended (G59) or were denied admission (G90).


Using Homepage Queries for Tracking Applicants that are Not In the Review Workflow Bins

When processing applications in the Reader Review Workflow bins, you will notice that applicants added to the right-most bins in the Decision column will seemingly disappear after 5-15 minutes. These applications don't actually disappear: they are sent to the Graduate School to be reviewed in our workflow.

So how do you keep track of these students when they are no longer in your bins? Homepage Queries!

Specifically queries in the After Recommendation and After Admission/Denial/Withdrawal sections will be most useful at this point. You can read about all of these queries in the section above, but below are a few example situations that many Graduate Program Coordinators face, and the query that may best fit the situation.

How do I see my applicants under Graduate School review?

Run the All recommended applications that have not been withdrawn query, which is available in the After Recommendation list of queries. Running this query will provide applicant identifying information as well as columns with the following information (as shown in the example below):

  • Name: applicant's name
  • Email: applicant's email
  • Plan-Subplan: which academic plan the applicant applied for
  • Term: entry term of the applicant
  • application Tab URL: selecting this will take you direct to the Application Tab of this applicant
  • Latest Bin: application's current status
  • Latest Bin Timestamp: when the application was moved to the latest bin
  • And more! (By scrolling to the right in Slate)

Example query results, showing example applicants Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville and their data.

(Note: the order of these columns is different in Slate and you may need to scroll horizontally to see all of the columns)

In the example above, you can see that Hermione and Ron are currently being reviewed after being recommended for admission (G60). Meanwhile, Neville and Harry are missing official transcripts (G02).

Which recommended applications are missing English proficiency?

Run the Recommended applications needing English proficiency (G35 bin) query, which is available in the After Recommendation list of queries. Running this query will provide applicant identifying information (name, birth date, academic plan, email, etc.) as well as columns with the following information (as shown in the example below):

  • Name: applicant's name
  • Domestic/International: if the applicant is an international or domestic applicant
  • Latest Eng Prof Test: which test was taken (TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo)
  • Latest Eng Prof Date: the date of the most recent test
  • Latest Eng Prof Status: entry term of the applicant
  • Plan-Subplan: the academic program to which the applicant applied
  • And more! (By scrolling to the right in Slate)

Screenshot of query results showing that Hermione, Neville, Harry, and Ron still need English proficiency scores.

(Note: the order of these columns is different in Slate and you may need to scroll horizontally to see all of the columns)

In the example query results above, the columns for Latest English Proficiency Test, Latest English Proficiency Date, and Latest English Proficiency Status are all blank: this makes sense because these applicants have not yet provided official English proficiency test results from a TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo test. Once official English tests are uploaded for this student, the applicants will automatically no longer show up in this query.

Which recommended applications are AOF eligible?

Run the All Recommended Applications That Have Not Been Withdrawn query, which is available in the After Recommendation list of queries. Running this query will provide applicant identifying information (name, birth date, academic plan, email, etc.) as well as a column titled AOF Eligible YN. If "Yes" the student is AOF eligible according to information provided in the application.

Please note:

  • Once the query is populated, you will likely need to scroll horizontally to see the AOF column.
  • If you do not see any information in the AOF column, make sure it has been at least 15 minutes from the last time you recommended an applicant in Slate. Queries update on average every 15 minutes. If after 30 minutes you think there is a discrepancy in the data from the query you pulled, you can contact us for help at

How do I see which applicants have been admitted?

Run the All admitted applications (G11, G12, G13) query, which is available in the After Admission/Denial/Withdrawal list of queries. Running this query will provide applicant identifying information (name, birth date, academic plan, email, etc.) as well as columns with the following information (as shown in the example below):

  • Name: applicant's name
  • Email: applicant's email
  • Plan-Subplan: which academic plan the applicant applied for
  • Term: entry term of the applicant
  • Application Tab URL: the URL to go to the applicant's application
  • Latest Decision: whether they've been Denied, Withdrawn, or Admitted and if they have accepted their admission
    • Admit: Admitted, but they have not filled out the accept/decline form.
    • Admit/Decline: Admitted and they have declined the offer of admission
    • Admit/Accept: Admitted and they have accepted the offer of admission
    • Admit/Matric: Admitted and matriculated for the term in SIS (note that an admitted applicant does not need to fill out the form to be matriculated)
    • Deny: Application has been denied
    • Withdraw: Application has been withdrawn
  • Decision Date: date of the latest decision
  • And more! (By scrolling to the right in Slate)

Example query result, showing the admission status of example applicants Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville.

(Note: the order of these columns is different in Slate and you may need to scroll horizontally to see all of the columns)

In the example above, it shows the following information:

Hermione Granger

  • Latest Decision: shows that Hermione has been admitted (but has not decided whether to attend or not)
  • Decision Date: shows that Hermione was admitted on October 25, 2024

Neville Longbottom

  • Latest Decision: shows that Neville was admitted and denied the offer of admission in his status portal
  • Decision Date: shows that Neville denied the offer of admission on October 31, 2024

Harry Potter

  • Latest Decision: shows that Harry has been admitted and has since been matriculated
  • Decision Date: shows that Harry was matriculated on October 24, 2024

Ron Weasley

  • Latest Decision: shows that Ron was admitted and accepted the offer of admission in his status portal
  • Decision Date: shows that Ron accepted the offer of admission on October 31, 2024

Which applicants have been denied, withdrawn, or declined the offer of admission?

Run the All applications no longer considered (G50, G57, G58, G59, G90), which is available in the After Recommendation list of queries. Running this query will provide applicant identifying information (name, birth date, academic plan, email, etc.) as well as columns with the following information (as shown in the example below):

  • Name: applicant's name
  • Email: applicant's email
  • Plan-Subplan: which academic plan the applicant applied for
  • Term: entry term of the applicant
  • Application Tab URL: the URL to go to the applicant's application
  • Latest Decision: whether they've been Denied, Withdrawn, or Admitted and if they have accepted their admission
    • Deny: Application has been denied
    • Withdraw: Application has been withdrawn
    • Admit/Decline: Admitted and they have declined the offer of admission
  • Decision Date: date of the latest decision
  • And more! (By scrolling to the right in Slate)

Screenshot of query of applicants Draco, Severus, and Tom no longer being considered

(Note: the order of these columns is different in Slate and you may need to scroll horizontally to see all of the columns)

In the example above, it shows the following information:

Draco Malfoy

  • Latest Decision: shows that Draco has been denied
  • Decision Date: shows that Draco was denied on October 25, 2024

Severus Snape

  • Latest Decision: shows that Severus was admitted and denied the offer of admission in his status portal
  • Decision Date: shows that Severus denied the offer of admission on October 31, 2024

Tom Riddle

  • Latest Decision: shows that Tom has been withdrawn from consideration
  • Decision Date: shows that Tom was withdrawn on October 24, 2024


Homepage, queries, tracking, progress, admitted, recommended, Graduate School Review, query, AOF eligible eligibility 
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Eric L. in Graduate School
Graduate School