CHM Facilities - Superautomatic Espresso/Coffee Maker, Tea Kettles, Tea Co-op

Information about CHM's superautomatic espresso/coffee maker, tea kettles, and tea co-op.

Superautomatic Espresso/Coffee Maker

A superautomatic espresso/coffee maker can be found in the first-floor kitchen of the Kennedy Building.

How to use

  1. Turn the machine on. The power button is located on the top of the machine towards the back. 
  2. The machine will heat up and run a rinse cycle. Once this is finished, turn the left dial on the front of the machine to select between coffee and espresso. Press the button on the left dial to confirm your selection.
    1. Do not select "Coffee Grounds."
  3. The machine will begin grinding. The screen will briefly show the strength of the brew. Turn the same dial to change the strength.

Refilling Water

  1. The machine will tell you when it needs more water by displaying "fill tank"
  2. Lift the hatch on the left side top of the machine.
  3. Fill with distilled water kept in labeled bottles in the cabinet under the first aid drawer.
  4. Close the hatch.
  5. The machine should be ready to run.

Refilling Coffee Beans

  1. The machine will tell you when it needs more water by displaying "fill beans"
  2. Lift the hatch on the right side top of the machine.
  3. Remove clear plastic reservoir top.
  4. Beans are kept in bags in the cabinet below the machine.
  5. There is usually a scoop kept near the machine or you can use a coffee mug to scoop beans in. This can be a little awkward.
  6. Once you have filled the bin and replaced the clear plastic cover you'll need to push the dial on the front of the machine to prepare the machine to dispense your drink.

Emptying Grounds

  1. When the "Empty Grounds" message is displayed, pull forward on the tray where your coffee mug is placed when filling a cup. Do so gently as there is usually water in the tray.
  2. There is a bin of grounds that you can dump in the compost bucket (ice cream pail) under the sink.
  3. Dump the water in the tray into the sink.
  4. Reassemble the tray and bin and push back into the machine.
  5. The machine should be ready to run.

Tea Kettles

Counter-top water boilers can be found in both kitchens in the Kennedy Building. There are instruction booklets in the drawers in each kitchen. Refer to them for operation.

If you need to refill the machine, use the handle on the top to open it (Watch out for hot steam!) and fill with tap water.

How to Clean

 How to Descale and Clean an Electric Kettlecourtesy of

1. Fill the kettle up to half or three-quarters level with equal parts of water and white vinegar.


2. Bring the solution to a boil.


3. Turn off the kettle and remove its power cord plug from the wall outlet.


4. Let the vinegar-water mix sit in the kettle for 15-20 minutes. Now, throw the water away and rinse the equipment.


You may have to rinse several times to make sure there is no trace of vinegar remaining in the kettle. You shall be amazed to find that you have gotten rid of the chunks of limescale so easily.

5. Wipe the inside of the kettle with a clean cloth and leave it to dry completely.


6. After drying, you can again boil water in the kettle and discard it to remove possible remaining aftertaste left after cleaning.


If there is a lingering vinegar smell, you can boil water in the kettle a few times. If there is a lot of scaling to be removed, you may use a stronger vinegar mixture and leave it in the kettle for an hour or even overnight.

To clean the outside of the kettle, you can use any dishwashing liquid and wipe it with a clean, damp cloth. While cleaning the outside, try not to scratch the finish, though. To make a stainless steel electric kettle shiny, put a little olive oil on a cloth and rub it on the outside of the kettle.

NOTE: set aside ample time to clean tea kettle as reboiling the water takes some time. Also, please put a sign on the tea kettle so others know to not use the kettle.

How long does it take to boil water in an electric boiler & warmer?

It depends on the temperature of the water and the amount, but it usually takes 30 to 40 minutes. The electric boiler & warmer are not meant to boil water quickly but to keep the water at a steady temperature all day long; that is why most of the models have a timer.

Tea Co-op

You can use any of the tea you find in the cabinets or drawers in either kitchen at the Kennedy Building. If you are using the tea often you should bring a box in to refill the Cp-op.

water boiler, countertop machine, espresso, coffee, coop, share, clean, cleaning 
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Owned by:
Brendon P. in Center for Healthy Minds
Center for Healthy Minds